By Pastor Paulus Budiono

Lemah Putro, Sunday, August 16, 2020




We are to give our best to the Lord for that is the essence of a servant heart. And for such, total submission and obedience are required as found in the Person of Jesus. He is the perfect role model of a servant heart.

Who is the Lord Jesus Christ? Christians commonly know Him as the Son of God (Matthew 14:33), the Bread of Life (John 6: 35,48), the Good Shepherd (John 10:11), the True Vine (John 15: 1), Lord of lords and King of kings (Revelation 17:14; 19:16) etc. There are even estimated 250 epithets associated with Jesus.

Now we are studying one of Jesus’ characters while living on earth written in John 13: 1-30, “It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for Him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, He loved them to the end….Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that He had come from God and was returning to God; so He got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist….After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. When He had finished washing their feet, He put on his clothes and returned to His place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?”…..He asked them. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them….

The Apostle John mentioned over and over again "Jesus knew" that He would return to His Father and His love never changed. Meaning? His love towards His disciples is eternal. Knowing that He had received power from His Father, He began to take off His robe, took a linen cloth and tied it around His waist and washed His disciples' feet. After washing their feet, He put on His robe and asked them if they understood what He had done. This is something important and we should understand this. If you do not understand (yet), you will be notified. However, if you already understand, what’s the follow-up? For example, if we know that Jesus is a messenger from God, have we received Him? Or, have we encouraged others to know God through our living testimony?

The verses above reveal one of Jesus’ attributes, namely a "Servant". Jesus reminded His 12 disciples that no servant is greater than his master. Much more then, having been informed about this principle they would be blessed if they apply it.

We have known and heard about Jesus as a Servant. But have we done as Jesus did? He took off His robe, wrapped a towel around His waist and knelt down to wash His disciples’ feet one by one, including Peter’s who would soon deny Him and Judas’ who would betray Him. We don’t need to do the ceremonial “footwashing” wearing the official pastoral suit as some churches do these days.

Jesus Himself said that we would be blessed if we do them. What are the things that we should do? We must at the very least listen, read and keep the Word in our hearts (Revelation 1: 3). And remember, the Lord is looking for a servant heart, who no longer pursues his personal freedom for it is owned by his master, to be filled with His Word.

Do you know the condition of ancient slaves? It was horrible! They had no clothes except underwear, they were chained and treated like animals. Weren’t we all slaves of sin who had no freedom to do good because sins undermined us to do evil? But now we have been freed from sin and become the servants of God (truth) (Romans 6: 17-18,22). So, those who are called servants of God are not only pastors who unfortunately, often demand something and even seek human praise for they consider themselves as God’s prized possession.

The Apostle John witnessed how Jesus took off His robe and then washed His disciples' feet, including his. He took off His robe (the outer part) and His attribute as a Teacher who was free and, with no hesitation, He immediately served His disciples because He had a Servant heart (the inner part). A servant heart ministry will obviously radiate outward and cannot be hindered by any attribute or position or pretense. Illustration: when an artist creates a work, he will do it using an artist heart and not with a master heart who likes to boss people around. Jesus is Lord of lords with a Servant heart who loves serving others, rather than oppress. And He reminds all His followers to follow His example because a servant is not higher than his master.

It is very natural for someone to have a role model. For example: leaders in the battle who are able to stir up a fighting spirit so that a nation can get its independence, no longer colonized by other nations. However, knowing that He would soon die on the cross and return to His Father, Jesus talked about a servant heart. He wanted to set a perfect example, not only in words but also in deeds. Let’s be honest, aren't we fluent in speaking about the Word of God but there is no follow-up action?

A servant is to provide maximum service so as his master's plans and goals succeed and he should not do something to harm his master. What did Jesus do in His position as a serving Servant? He healed many who were sick but forbade them to tell who He was. Here we see clearly that, as a Servant, Jesus worked in silence. He did not show off seeking praises. This fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah concerning Jesus as God’s chosen and beloved Servant: He did not fight or shout, and did not raise His voice in public until He caused justice to be victorious (Matthew 12:15-23). Without much fanfare, Jesus’ servant heart has won the heart of many.

In their ministry, Peter, John and other disciples preached that God glorified His Servant – Jesus – who had been rejected and crucified even though His Name contained a healing power (Acts 3: 13- 16). During His time on earth, Jesus always did good deeds which were admired by many but, out of jealousy, hated by the Pharisees and the scribes.

Many people are currently affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and we are encouraged to do good by donating for those impacted. Use this given opportunity and do it with no hidden agenda for seeking recognition!

What was the correlation between Jesus as a good Servant who served without fighting or shouting (Matthew 12: 15-23) with His foot-washing ministry (John 13: 1-30)? He cleaned their feet (symbolizing their footsteps or track records) no matter what and He did not show preferential treatment even though He knew one would deny Him and another one would sell Him out.

How do we behave toward those who have hurt us? Do we still care for them? The truth is, though we are willing to do social work, but without taking off our robe of greatness, it is difficult to love those who have hurt us. In wealthy and developed countries, many churches are closed because they feel they have sufficient health and social security from the government. Many people in the world do a lot of social work to make others happy but Jesus did not stop only at physical healing.

Initially the apostles did not really understand what their Teacher was saying. However, after Jesus died, rose again, ascended to Heaven, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and followed Jesus’ pattern in serving and positioned themselves as servants. They then understood except for Judas Iscariot who still did not get it until the end of his life. What was the proof? Their writings.They always wrote,“James, servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ” (James 1: 1); “Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ”’ (2 Peter 1: 1); “Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James” (Jude 1: 1); “His servant John” (Revelation 1: 1); “The apostle Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus” (Romans 1: 1; Ephesians 1; 1; Philippians 1: 1; Titus 1: 1).

What about the Lord's church today? Remember, we were slaves to sin but Christ transformed us into servants of God to serve Him in the New Jerusalem for all eternity (Revelation 22: 3,5).

What’s in our hearts? A servant heart or a "businessman” heart that is always thinking about loss and profit when giving large donations? The Apostle Paul advised the Philippians (as well as us) who did not agree wholeheartedly with each other to have the attitude of Christ (Philippians 2: 1-8). In our relationships with one another, we should be one in spirit and of one mind, do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. A servant supposedly has nothing attached (neither clothes nor grand attributes), his life and death solely depend on the master.

Following Jesus for 3.5 years, the disciples had never washed other people's feet because they were not servants. Rather, they were the invitees to a wedding banquet etc. Yet, Jesus humbled himself to the position of a Servant and washed His disciples’ feet to exemplify the action of serving one another. It is very difficult for people who are senior or have high rank to "go low" and respect those who are below them.

We are to learn humility by willing to listen and keep the Word of God and we are to be grateful for the blessings that each of us receives. The Holy Spirit is able to remove from us a heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19) and write His Word on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33), so that we can have the attitude of Christ. The early church was filled with the Holy Spirit and they were together and had everything in common and shared with anyone who had needs (Acts 2: 44-45). Unfortunately, in recent times, many churches have strayed from their initial purpose and become an object of ownership dispute. Often times, under the pretext that we stand up for human rights, we fight and go on strike and then move to another church because we defend our human rights, we get into fights and demonstrations and then move to other churches. Would such church with no servant heart fit the New Jerusalem?

Jesus knew what he had to do and He did it willingly without coercion. He took the very nature of a Servant who had no rights whatsoever. He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death on the cross; that is why the Father exalted Him (Philippians 2: 8-9). We should imitate Jesus fully, not partly; and do not just admire the miracles He performed and then eliminate the suffering of His death.

Philippians 2 becomes the end point as well as the starting point on how to be a true servant. Hence, a relationship with the Holy Spirit, who always glorifies the words and the actions of Jesus, is required.

Each of us will eventually die in various ways (due to illness, accident, disaster, etc.) but Jesus deliberately took another way, which was by becoming an obedient Servant to death on the cross.

Jesus has demonstrated how to be a true servant of God, thus let’s follow His example of living in total humility. This we can do only if we have the attitude of Christ; and then we will be considered worthy to be His servants and serve Him forever in the New Jerusalem. Amen.


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