By Pastor Paulus Budiono

Lemah Putro, Sunday, July 19, 2020





It is true that we do not see God in person because He is holy and glorious, but our spiritual eyes can see Him through reading the Bible in our hands or listening to it so that we may believe. The Bible we have may be in many languages (English, Indonesian, Mandarin etc.) but our eyes that read all the events listed in it confirm that the Word of God conveyed is truly written without any doubt of its truth.

The Word of God this time has the theme "Fragrant Offering for Jesus". Something fragrant is often associated with women such as: fragrant perfume, fragrant/delicious dishes that are ready to be served etc. Jesus also received a sweet offering from a woman. What did the woman do? And what is our response after reading and hearing this story? Is it enough to be a faithful listener even though we cannot meet each other at this time?

Let’s learn more about the offering of a woman written in the Gospel of John 12: 1-8, "Six days before Easter Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. There was a banquet for Him and Martha serving while one of those who shared meals with Jesus was Lazarus. Then Mary took half a cattel of expensive pure nard oil and anointed Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair; and the smell of fragrant oil permeated throughout the house So Jesus said: "Let him do this, remembering the day of my burial. Because poor people are always with you but I will not always be with you.”

In this family (Lazarus, Martha, Mary), Mary became the focus of conversation because her deed made the whole house fragrant. Unfortunately, in the midst of this fragrance, a "trading" atmosphere arose from Judas Iscariot, a disciple of Jesus, who immediately calculated the price of pure nard oil worth 300 dinars (± Rp. 14 million) and suggested that it should have been sold and the money given to the poor people. But Jesus made it clear to let Mary do that as a memorial for the day of His burial.

The fragrant offering of Mary was no longer discussed after that. When Jesus rose, it was not written that He went to Mary and thanked her. It was also not stated whether Mary was with the group when Jesus ascended to Heaven. Does this mean that Mary’s offering was finished and there was no follow-up? It turns out that the Gospels of Matthew and Mark write that the beautiful deeds of this woman are remembered wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world (Matt. 26:13; Mark 14: 9). It appears that after Lazarus rose, Martha no longer grumbled in the ministry.

Introspection: To what extent has God's church preached the gospel and remembered the fragrant offerings from Mary? Jesus told us to preach the gospel to all over the world and whoever believes will be saved (Mark 16: 15-16). What makes our worship, marriage and family produce fragrance? Do we still diligently read the Gospel from chapter to chapter especially at this time of virtual service when not all congregations can follow it?

Why don't the other books (Acts – Revelation) mention Mary's actions? Did the apostles forget what Jesus said? Mary herself did not know that Jesus (who loved her family) would die on the cross, nor did Jesus' disciples who considered it impossible when Jesus informed of the misery he would face.

Notice, do not get mixed up Mary – Lazarus’ sister, with the sinful woman who also anointed Jesus' feet and was told to leave because her faith had saved her (Luke 7: 36-50).

Why did Jesus defend Mary’s act of anointing Him and ask the others not to disturb her? Because Jesus died for Mary and for the disciples except for those who rejected Him including Judas Iscariot who chose his own way of life. It was also for all who believed in Him for salvation and then went on to preach the gospel.

What attitude did Mary have that made Jesus love her and her family? Jesus had loved her family long enough to know her attitude very well. It’s impossible for Jesus to commend her, had he known her superficially.

  • Mary highly appreciated Jesus' words and sat at His feet to continue listening to Him (Luke 10:39). She was different from Martha, a woman who was busy serving (guests) Jesus and His disciples well. Martha, however, grumbled to see that Mary was only sitting while she was left serving alone (v. 40).

What was Jesus' response to Martha's complaint? Jesus defended Mary who had chosen the best part that would not be taken from her (v. 42) and rebuked Martha who was worried and troubled with many things (v. 41). It is evident that Mary had a direct personal relationship with the living and eternal Word.

Be vigilant! God does not intend that we be busy serving Him but at the same time nagging a lot. Such attitude shows that we do not appreciate nor highly value His Word. We must choose to respect the Word of God more than being busy in church activities that may cause us to grumble.

Are our hearts full of God's Word that cannot be wrested by the evil one or do our hearts store various illustrations and philosophies of the world and then belittle Jesus? Mary has an important relationship with Jesus in the midst of the busyness of service. In other words, the Word of God must be above all the busyness of our ministry.

  • Finding out that Jesus came to Bethany after Lazarus died four days, Mary went to find Jesus on the way and fell down and worshiped at His feet and said the same words as Martha, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died" (John 11:32, 21).

Two different figures of women – one (Martha) is full of activities but does not appreciate the Word of God while the other (Mary) does not say much but immediately prostrates in worship. Even though they both said the same thing, Martha thought Jesus was just a messenger who was just talking about the Word of God about the resurrection at the end of the age that she had heard earlier. Martha did not believe that Jesus had the power of life. Meanwhile, Mary immediately worshiped Jesus and there was an answer to prayer as well as the elimination of death and resurrection took place. The miracle of the resurrection that Jesus performed made people believe in Him.

Introspection: What kind of faith do we have? What about our prayers, do we always demand God to give whatever we want? God is fully sovereign, don't demand and dictate Him; if not granted we are then angry. Don’t pray for your own sake but the needs of others too!

  • Without saying much, Mary offered / sacrificed the spikenard oil, anointed Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair; the fragrance of the oil smelt wonderful throughout the house. It is true that the oil of the ointment smells good but the fragrance here is related to the feet of Jesus. Ironically, Judas Iscariot who did not sacrifice but talked a lot, was a thief from the cash offering he

Application: In giving our offering, we should always relate it to the sacrifice of Christ and do it without fanfare for people to know of the great offering because it would steal the glory of God. What's worse, don't nag a lot even if you don't give any offering just like Judas Iscariot or you did offer but there was a hidden motivation behind it.

Note that the acts of listening to Jesus' words and Mary’s worshipping Jesus are still personal but the resurrection of Lazarus and Mary’s act of offering the oil of the pure nard have a wider impact – the act is remembered by people wherever the Gospel is preached.

What impact does Mary do to us now? Jesus said, "If I am exalted from the earth, I will draw all people to come to Me." (John 12:32) Remember, all the sacrifices we offer must be linked to the sacrifice of Christ, not just charitable activities and social work which is like what the world does when natural disasters strike. Food aid and daily necessities for people in need have hit the whole world and are carried out based on their respective philosophies and cultures but Jesus wants all these good activities to be linked to His burial.

Why do all our activities and sacrifices (thoughts, money, energy, feelings, etc.) have to be related to Christ's sacrifice? Apart from the sacrifice of Christ, all of our offerings are the same as social work, although this is good but does not contain salvation.

However, not all sacrifices are acceptable to God, for example:

  • When Judas Iscariot who sold Jesus for 30 silver saw his teacher sentenced to death, he regretted it. Then he returned the money to the chief priests and elders while confessing that he had sinned by taking the blood of an innocent person (Matt. 27: 3-4). Evidently the money could not satisfy Judas Iscariot, he threw the silver coins into the Temple and went to hang himself (v. 5).
  • Sacrifices from Ananias and Sapphira which they got from the sale of a piece of land were not accepted by the Apostle Peter because they had lied to the Holy Spirit. As a result, they both died immediately (Acts 5: 1-10).
  • Simon, the sorcerer, sought to buy the power of the Holy Spirit from the Apostles Peter and John so that when he laid his hands on a person, he could receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8: 14-20). But Peter rebuked him, saying, "Hold thy peace, and come out of him" (Acts 8: 14-20).

Note, God cannot be "bribed" by tithes or offerings that come from unlawful / illegal money. Don’t be too proud to serve God because you have sacrificed so much!

The Bible also records the accepted sacrifices, they are:

  • In the early churches era, 3,000 people repented (Acts 2:41) and many of them were poor. But they were all united and shared all of their possessions. When some of them sold their possessions, they shared them with those in need (vv. 44-45; 4:32). The apostles always testified the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and they all lived in abundant grace (Acts 4:33). In other words, the news of Christ's sacrifice became the foundation that prompted the church to care for one another and make

Application: We should remember that Jesus sacrificed His life for our sins and transgressions; thus it may motivate us to sacrifice sincerely and willingly.

  • Because of the persecution, believers spread and preached the Gospel to Phenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch. At that time several prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them named Agabus who prophesied that the whole world would be hit by dangerous great famine. Then the disciples decided to collect donations according to their abilities and sent them to the brothers who lived in Judea (Acts 11: 27-29).

The church must stand on the sacrifice of Christ not just become a social church or a symbolic church! The church may have a great pastor, but don’t let him become the fragrance instead of Jesus!

  • The church of Macedonia who was poor but rich in generosity participated in the service of love for the saints in Jerusalem (Acts 8: 1-5).
  • The formerly poor Corinthian church later became rich but very stingy in giving sacrifice. To the Philippian church who gave financial helps to him many times, he said that their offering was, “a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God” (Phil. 4: 15-18).

What fragrance do we give? The Apostle Paul said that we spread the fragrance to those who are saved but the smell of death to those who perish (2 Cor. 2: 14-17). Be careful, the pulpit must convey the pure Word of God not for personal gain.

Further, the Apostle Paul exhorts us to be obedient to God, to live in love as Christ has loved us and given Himself for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Eph. 5: 1-2). Clearly, Christ's sacrifice is the foundation of all our activities and offerings because in His sacrifice there is forgiveness that can hinder us from having conflicts and quarrels with others.

Let’s diligently listen to the Word of God without murmuring, pray without demanding, make sacrifices without motivation for personal gain! Instead, all this we do upon the sacrifice of Christ, thus we will spread the fragrant smell that is pleasing to God and loved by others. Amen.


VIdeo: Ibadah Minggu Raya - 19 Juli 2020 - Pdt. Paulus Budiono