by Lay Pastor Setio Dharma Kusuma

Sunday, July 12, 2020 at Lemah Putro



Greetings of peace,

Last Sunday we listened to the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, and today we will still ponder on the continuance of the story about Lazarus and the emphasis on the people who were there when he was resurrected (John 11:45- 47). They were divided into three groups, who were these people?

  • The Chief Priests and the Pharisees (v. 47)

The Pharisees (Greek: pharisaios the word taken from the Jewish: pârâsh = to make things different, to manifest, discern, explain/clarify).

Actually, the Pharisees had the task to explain the Law because other than the books in the Old Testament, they also admitted the verbal tradition as a standard of belief and part of their lives. They were seeking for discernment through the obedience toward rites/system of religious rituals and forms of godliness, such as: the cleansing, fasting, praying, alms giving and so on. When they saw the disciples of Jesus didn’t wash their hands before eating, they rebuked Jesus of why they were not holding on to the customs of their ancestors (Mark 7:1-5); they also disliked it when they saw Jesus healing the sick on Sabbath Day (John 9:16), etc. They saw the physical things and needed further explanation when it was against the tradition and customs of their ancestors.

The Pharisees and the chief priest are the leaders in religious field. Jesus Himself states that the Pharisees and the Scribes are sitting on Moses’ position, the leader of the Israelites (Matthew 23:2).

The Pharisees had a strong influence that they could summon (not come to) the Religious Court (v. 47). Is there any of us who could summon the member of the Supreme Court to our house to settle a problem? That will be impossible! This shows that their influence was so strong that people were to be obey them (v. 57).

The Pharisees had the teaching but Jesus reminded His disciples to be cautious toward the yeast of their teaching (Matthew 16:11-12).

The Pharisees were obedient to pay a tenth of their mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs with all the details and they meticulously took everything into account (Luke 11:42).

The Pharisees were the faithful listeners because they were always present wherever Jesus was teaching. Jesus consider the Pharisees and the Chief Priests as the vine workers who rented the vineyard from the owner who went to another country (Matthew 21:33-46; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-10). When it was almost harvest time, the owner told the servants to go to the workers to receive their portions. But what happened? Those servants were arrested, beaten, stoned and killed. The gardener sent more servants, yet they were still treated as their fellow workers. This applied until three times (Luke 20:12) then the owner finally sent his son thinking that he would be honored. But the workers thought differently, the son was then killed with the intention to steal his inheritance. When the chief priests and the Pharisees understood that the parable was meant for them, they tried to seize Him. The vine owner (God) will surely entrust his garden to trusted people (Pharisees and chief priest) but they responded differently seen from what they had done.

We can conclude that the Pharisees and chief priest had good character when we saw from the criteria (diligent in listening to Jesus’ teaching, being leaders, influential, and able to explain). But what did Jesus say to the goodness they had done? They were hypocrites! They didn’t enter heaven, but they obstructed others who were trying to enter heaven (Matthew 23:23). Isn’t the church often called as the door of the Kingdom of Heaven? Don’t let anyone cancel their desire to go to church services because of the attitude and behavior of the church leaders!

What was the Pharisees’ hypocrisy? They were teaching but not doing their teaching (Matthew 23:3); they did things to be seen (v. 5); they loved to be honored (v.7); they ignored justice, mercy and faithfulness (v. 23).

Introspection: Are our activities and conditions marked with hypocrisy? We are trusted to minister (as a musician, worship leader, choir members, speaker, etc.) but our attitudes, utterances and deeds become the stumble blocks and hinder people to come to the Lord. We want to seek for praises and we got angry when we are not honored; we are actually unfaithful, unfair and have no mercy. Remember that the Word of God is alive and powerful and sharper than two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12) to exhort, remind and rebuke us. If our hearts are accused by the preaching of the Word of God, we should repent to be acceptable before Him.

  • The True Christians (v. 45).

There were some Jewish who believed in Jesus after witnessing His action of resurrecting Lazarus from the dead.

There is a relation between the true Christian and sheep. Jesus says that He is the good Shepherd (John 10:11) and He knows His sheep in the fold (the Jews), He lays His life for them, guiding other sheep (non- Jewish) to be united as one flock with one shepherd (vv. 14-16). Meanwhile, the high priest, Caiaphas, prophesied about Jesus who would die for the Jews to gather and unite the children of God (non-Jewish) who were scattered (John 11:51-52). The eyes of the world in the beginning was unto the salvation of the Jews/Israelites but He died to unite and quicken His people – not only the Israelites but also other nations (non-Jewish) to be one flock (Romans 11:11-36).

Obviously, true Christians are the sheep of the Lord. What are the characteristics attached to true Christians? They listen to the voice of the Lord and known by Him, follow Him (John 10:27-28), are willing to disown themselves and bear the cross (Matthew 16:24).

Introspection: What for do you serve the Lord fervently, but are not known by Him and not included in the great salvation? Don't seek for thousands of excuses of human weaknesses (I’m a strict person, not worthy, still bound to cigarettes, etc.) while we actually don’t want to disown ourselves and carry the cross! Without the Holy Spirit, we can’t stand God’s rebuke through His Word. If we don’t want to change, our hearts won’t be at peace as the gulity feeling will always chase us when His rebuking Word is echoing to remind us to do the right thing. Moreover, if we serve the Lord with ulterior purpose to get praises, rather than to give reverence to God, we will go home bringing empty hearts.

Notice that to follow the Lord is not only to shout for the name of the Lord then we will be saved (Romans 10:13). The Apostle Paul wrote that epistle during a wickedness “pandemic” (Romans 1:18). The powerful king at the moment was really evil and cruel and he demanded all worship. According to the history, whoever dared to call on the Name of the Lord would be beheaded. Therefore, a believing heart to the Lord is demanded to obtain salvation, not only to call on His Name (Romans 10:14), as done by the true Christians who believed in Jesus after witnessing Him resurrecting Lazarus.

Other than the things above, true Christians will receive eternal life – not perishing and no one is able to snatch them out of His hand (John 10:27-28). Truly said that no great offices or ministries could be compared to the beauty of our lives being in His hand! Have we reached our desire to live acceptably before Him? Especially in this COVID-19 pandemic, let’s not be snatched away from the hand of the Lord although we may have family or friends who passed away because of this deadly disease. Our faith must be firm and it is started by being true Christians and shepherded sheep by the Good Shepherd.

  • The nosy Christians (v.46).

These Jews were witnessing what was done by Jesus (it was not mentioned that they believed) then

went to the Pharisees telling them what Jesus did. In other words, they liked gossiping.

It happened that gossip was already found in the temple of God from back then, for people came to have their godliness but talk about unimportant things. The proof is on the Passover Day, the Jewish came to the Temple of God looking for Jesus to know if He was coming to the feast and asked people’s opinions about Him (vv. 55-56).

The nosy Christians won’t dare to admit honestly if they believe in Jesus because they are afraid of being alienated. They prefer the honor coming from men than from God (John 12:42-44).

Introspection: How about our daily activities these days, although we may not have physical meetings because of COVID-19 pandemic? Are we becoming so intense in WhatsApp and Instagram exposing all of our activities and feelings in the social media? Remember that whatever we talk and write in the social media reflects our personality. Therefore, we must be careful to write or copy-paste an article in the social media. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23).

This nosy Christians are not included as the sheep of the Lord because they don’t believe Him (John 10:25-26). Truly, when Jesus claims someone as not His sheep, he will surely perish no matter how high his position in secular field or ministry is or high rich he is.

It is the fulfillment of the Word of God that although the nosy Christian has witnessed many miracles, yet he will still not believe in Him (John 12:37-38). Thus, a miracle can’t automatically make someone to be Christ’s follower (true Christian or the Lord’s sheep) for a miracle is merely an instrument to attract people to come to Him and become His follower and His sheep. What is the proof? Jesus had done many miracles but they remained not believing Him.

Who are these nosy Christians? They were the false prophets disguising as the sheep while they were actually ferocious wolves (Matthew 7:15-23). That is why in these end times, many people are crying out for the name of the Lord, saying that they have prophesied, cast out demons, done many miracles in His name, but ironically, He doesn’t know them (vv. 22-23). Their lives will end tragically because the eternal flame is waiting for them. This kind of noisy Christians are only busybodies who are curious about others but never curious about their own lives being true before the Lord and finding the fact of their relations with Him. These people are busy attacking others using Biblical language.

Jesus actually died for those three groups above: chief priests and the Pharisees, true Christians and nosy Christian under a condition that they were willing to repent. Wasn’t Paul also a Pharisee used by the Lord extraordinarily after he repented?

The incident that Lazarus was risen happened close to the time when Jesus was crucified, died, risen and ascended to heaven. It was also close to Peter’s discourse to the Jews who had crucified Jesus. After hearing it, they were pierced in their hearts and asked Peter what to do. Peter firmly answered that they had to repent and gave themselves to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins (Acts 2:14-38).

In which group are we now? Let’s search ourselves to know if our lives are acceptable before the Lord, reproof ourselves and repent while we are still given the chance and time by Him; so that we will be included as His sheep to obtain the promise of eternal life, because Jesus died to quicken all His people. And no one is able to snatch us from His hand that one day we will live together with Him eternally in the New Jerusalem. Amen.


Video Ibadah Minggu Raya - 12 Juli 2020 - Pdm. Setio Dharma.