By Rev. Paulus Budiono
Lemah Putro, Good Friday, April 10, 2020


For the time being we cannot see each other in church because of COVID-19, but whatever happens, don't ever forget the sacrifice that Jesus made even though it happened more than 2,000 years ago. If our focus is not accurate, we will deviate from our destination; then, we will get astray. For example: if we don't know exactly why Jesus died, our thoughts and views on the Person of Jesus will be wrong.

Do you know who cried "Truly, this Man is the Son of God" after Jesus breathed His last? It turned out that this confession came from the mouth of one person, not from many people, whose name was not mentioned. Who is he? Three Gospels (Matt. 27:54; Mark 15:39; Luke 23:47) write that he was the head of the (Roman) army who executed the crucifixion of Jesus.

As a leader, the head of the Roman army (non-Jews) was responsible to wait for the crucifixion of Jesus from 9 o'clock (Mark 15:25) and Jesus suffered greatly for 6 hours until His death at 3 p.m. (v. 34).

How could the head of the army reveal the high position and the presence of Jesus as the Son of God though he had never known Jesus before and Jesus Himself was not popular at that time because He did not like to show off/ promote Himself to be known by many people?

In just a short time, for at least six hours he was listening to the conversations of many people about Jesus, among others:

Those who passed by hurling insults on Him, shaking their heads and saying, “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save Yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!” (Matt. 27: 39-40, Mark 15: 29-30).

The chief priests, the scribes and elders mocked Jesus, "He saved others; Himself He cannot save. If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him.” (Matt. 27: 41-42; Mark 15: 31-32; Luke 23:35).

Somehow, this centurion was not carried away by his own feeling. He must have served professionally and rationally. After listening to the comments from many people, he believed and was convinced that Jesus was the Son of God.

Is it true that Jesus' confession as the Son of God is only written in the last verses of the three Gospels? No. As a matter of fact, Jesus' confession as the Son of God appeared long before, including:

John the Baptist testified, "And I did not know Him but He who sent me to baptize with water has said to me: If you see the Spirit descend on anyone and live on Him, He will baptize with the Holy Spirit. And I have seen Him and testified: He is the Son of God." (John 1: 33-34).

Nathanael who initially underestimated Jesus when he was introduced by Philip, finally admitted He was the Son of God (John 1: 45-49).

⊕ Peter correctly answered that Jesus was the Son of the living God when Jesus asked His disciples about who He was (Matt. 16: 15-16).

⊕ Martha believed Jesus was the Son of God when Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in Me will live even though he is dead" when facing the death of Lazarus (John 11: 20-27).

The evil spirit who possessed the man from Gerasa confessed that Jesus was the Son of the Most High God before being driven out of that person (Mark 5: 1-7).

⊕ Satan himself acknowledged Jesus was the Son of God when tempting Him (Matt. 4: 3,6).

⊕ etc.

Introspection: To what extent do we know and acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God? Does our sincere confession have no falsehood like Nathanael's attitude? Or does God reveal to us as He did to Peter? Or a confession that contains fear as done by evil spirits and devils?

Oddly, when Jesus was crucified, none of those who claimed that Jesus was the Son of God appeared. The devil was also very frightened and could not possibly emerge because he knew the death of Jesus was a total defeat for him. It was precisely the head of the army glorifying Jesus as the Son of God, even though he did not know His background. Clearly, Jesus must die to prove that He is the Son of God.

What is our motivation for claiming Jesus is the Son of God? Is it because of the miracle of healing, protection and so on? Our mindset must change because Jesus did not like to be treated like a shamanistic practice. We must not compromise with mystical matter. Example: The Apostle Paul could not bear hearing flattery from a female servant who had divination; therefore, he drove away the evil spirit (Acts 16: 16-18).

Aside from hearing the ridicule and insults from the crowd directed at Jesus, the centurion also listened carefully to every word that came out of Jesus' mouth and this made him believe that Jesus was the Son of God. What did He say?

"Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)

Jesus does not hold grudges but forgives those who mock, insult, torture and even crucify Him.

The Jews only recognize God who can forgive men. That is why they think Jesus blasphemed God when He said, "O brother, your sins have been forgiven" to the believers who carried the paralytic on the bed and lowered from the roof which was dismantled right in front of Him to be healed (Luke 5: 18-21)

"I tell you the truth today you will be with Me in Paradise." (V. 43)

As the Son of God, He has the right to give forgiveness to the criminals who repent and give faith to him.

"O Father, I lay My life in Your hands." And after saying that He gave His life. " (v. 46)

Jesus calls God as His Father. Jesus once said not to call any father on earth because there is only one Father, He who is in Heaven (Matt. 23: 9). God cannot die but Jesus – the only begotten Son of the Father – in a position as a human could die.

"Mother, this is your child!" (to Mary, His mother) and "This is your mother!" to John, his beloved disciple (John 19: 26-27).

On the cross there was a handover of protection and shelter in the family.

"It's finished." (John 19:30)

Who can solve all problems if not the Son of God? The problem is, we are busy with things on earth and trying to solve problems without involving Jesus.

Who is Jesus – the Son of God, really is?

⊕ He did not appear in the era of the New Testament but already exists in eternity. He is the image and the likeness of God. He supports all that exists with His Word. After completing the cleansing of sins, He sat at the right hand of the Majesty in the most high place and got the Name above all names (Heb. 1: 1-4). And God recognizes Him as His Son (v. 5).

The chief of this army dared to risk being fired and even punished by acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God (the Romans only recognized the emperor as their god) because his heart believed the words that Jesus spoke.

⊕ He is the head of His house and His house is us (Heb. 3: 6).

⊕ He is the High Priest who shares our weaknesses so that we have the courage to approach the grace of God to get help in time of needs (Heb. 4: 14-16).
We still need God's help and do not fear to approach Him. He is not like other gods of other religions who need to be given offerings so as not to get angry. However we must be spiritually mature not to abuse His grace.

⊕ He (Jesus as Man) offered petitionary prayers in tears to God who was able to save Him from death and because of His righteousness He had been heard (Heb. 5: 7). As a Son, Jesus learned obedience to His Father and He was the author of eternal salvation for all who obeyed Him (vv. 8-9).

The centurion also witnessed the cry of Jesus' wailing on the cross, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabakhtani?" which means: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34)

⊕ He is the High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedekh (Heb. 6:20).

We can now enjoy the Lord’s supper to commemorate Jesus' death until He comes again (1 Cor. 11: 24-26). We must be spiritually mature (no longer children) to understand the teachings of truth (Heb. 5: 13-14) so that we are not easily influenced by the atmosphere and conditions because some people fall away after being illuminated in their hearts, taste the gifts of Heaven, take part in the Holy Spirit then live carelessly (Heb. 6: 4-5). Such a person is the same as crucifying the Son of God again (v. 6). Regarding the cross of Christ, the Apostle Paul set an example because he decided to only preach Jesus Christ on the cross (1 Cor. 2: 2).

Our spiritual journey is to Jerusalem, the gathering place for thousands of angels, the church of the firstborn whose names are registered in Heaven as well as God and Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling (Heb. 12: 22-24). Obviously, the New Jerusalem is also marked with His blood and body. That is why we are reminded not to reject the Word of God while living in the world because there are consequences (vv. 25-29). God permits shaking (physical, mental, spiritual, etc.) on earth, but we do not need to be shaken while we worship with respect and fear and are approved by Him. Therefore do not get used to not worshiping and not serving Him because this is equal to trampling on the Son of God and profaning the blood of a sanctifying covenant. It's horrifying to fall into the hands of the living God! (Heb. 10: 25-31).

Introspection: How is our spiritual condition especially now when we are 'forced' to do our godliness independently at home? Are we still faithful to Him or we no longer focus because we get dizzier thinking about the difficulties of life?

If we acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God who sacrificed His life for the salvation of sinful men, we will get forgiveness, restoration in married life and family and we carry out our service faithfully until He considers it 'finished' and we are called back by Him to receive wages from Him. Amen.


Video selengkap dapat disimak di Ibadah Jumat Agung - 10 April 2020 - Pdt. Paulus Budiono