• Luke 24:13-35
  • Lemah Putro
  • 2022-06-12
  • Pdm. Jusuf Wibisono
  • https://www.gkga-sby.org/mobile/index.php/ibadah-umum/1212-testify-the-resurrection-of-jesus-as-the-fulfillment-of-the-bible
  • Video Ibadah: KLIK DISINI


Thanks to God as we can worship God either onsite or via live streaming to receive God’s blessing from the highest through His Word so that we can be ready to glorify His name. 

What kind of blessing will we receive through His Word? Luke 24:13-35 is taken as the theme of today’s sermon, speaking about the resurrection of Jesus that must be testified as the fulfillment of the Bible. What is the goal? To tell others about the cross and the Kingdom of Heaven. 

To whom Jesus’ resurrection was revealed?

  • The women (Luke 24:10).

Seeing the confused and trembled women, two angles asked why they sought the living among the dead (in the grave). After they understood and realized that Jesus had risen, they right away went and told the disciples what they had just seen. 

The grave is the last place for man because man is made from dust and will become dust again. As we know, the land has been cursed by God because of Adam and Eve’s transgression. It caused Adam to work hard all of his life to make earth produce food (Genesis 3:17). Man must work hard to earn money and treasure but all of them will be meaningless when man dies and becomes dust again. That is why God wants us not to focus on the empty grave but on Jesus who has risen. 

These women were the first witnesses used by Jesus to spread the message of His resurrection to the eleven disciples (Mark 16:5-6, 9-14). One of the women was Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus ever set free from evil spirit (Luke 8:1-3). 

The Lord used women to tell their friends about Jesus’ resurrection. The Lord also used a grandma—Lois and a mother—Eunice to teach Timothy the Holy Bible since his childhood (2 Timothy 3:15). 

Application: God wants to use female believers to spread the Gospel of His cross to their children, family and all people around them. 

  • The eleven disciples (v.9).

When the women told the message of Jesus’ resurrection to the eleven disciples, they did not believe and considered it as nonsense (v.11). 

  • Two disciples on the way to Emmaus (v. 13).

If we ponder carefully, there was one important advise Jesus gave to His two beloved disciples concerning their spiritual eyes. Jesus wanted them to use their eyes to witness His resurrection. Illustration: In this digital era handphone has become a necessary gadget used daily by everybody including children and adults. When listening to the sermon, we are also holding handphones. But what do we see? Are we reading verses of Bible or chatting or playing game? 

With sad faces, these two disciples were talking about the death of Jesus whom they had hoped to be the Redeemer of Israel, yet He was captured and delivered by the chief priests and the rulers of Jews to be condemned to death and they crucified Him. Jesus came closer and walked along with them as a proof of His love so that they could believe in Him and would not perish (cf. John 3:16). But, they did not know whom they were speaking with and considered Him as a stranger. Jesus rebuked them as fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets had spoken. Later Jesus explained what had been written in the books of Moses and all the prophets concerning Himself. They were interested in knowing further from this Man, hence they urged Him to stay with them. When they sat down to eat, Jesus took the bread, said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him. Soon they returned to Jerusalem and found the eleven disciples gathered together, then they testified that Jesus had risen. 

Why could these two disciples not recognize the risen Jesus? Because their eyes were blocked with sins (Hebrews 12:1-3). 

We, indeed, live like in a race. Hence we can’t delay; rather we should keep our eyes fixed on Jesus who leads us in faith. We must be quick to listen but slow to speak and slow to become angry (James 1:19). Do you know the life style of the race participants? Long before the race starts, they will have prepared themselves with discipline in training, eating healthy and nutritious food, and sleeping regularly. 1 Timothy 4:8 says, “For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.” 

To achieve perfect result in the race, these disciples were advised to run fast. But before being used by God, they had to be processed first so that their spiritual eyes and mind could be opened to see that Jesus was really alive as the prophets had said. 

To become the legitimate children of God, the disciples had to be willing to be corrected and taught with the righteous Word of God, like children disciplined by their parents. Take Samuel for an example. God had used him since his chilldhood because he gave his ears to be trained to listen to His voice. Contrary to him, Hophni and Phinehas rejected any advice and reprimand; consequently, they were struck to death by God. 

Application: Young people who are willing to receive counsel, reprimand, and even harsh discipline when they still hardened their hearts, will be made God’s own beloved children, not illegitimate children (Hebrews 12:8). 

The eyes of these two discipels were opened when eating with Jesus. Pay attention, those who turn to God will have their eyes opened (Acts 28:26-27). 

It is very clear, those who are willing to be corrected, rebuked and disciplined to be equipped with good deeds, their closed eyes will be opened to see things that are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God (Collosians 3:1-4). They are no longer bent—not focusing on earthly matters only that will drive him away to the grave.

What weight should be thrown away? Colossians 3:5-17 say that we should put to death earthly desires. We cannot slow down and become stagnant. Instead, we must go forward to gain spiritual maturity. Eventually, with trained senses we can distinguish between good and evil (Hebrews 5:11-14). 

To spread the message about the Kingdom of God and the Gospel, God can use anybody, regardless of gender (male or female), age (young or old), education (illiterate or educated), as long as they are willing to receive advices, rebukes, harsh discipline so that their hearts can be softened. They also must get rid of all the burdens of sins to focus their eyes on the heavenly things. By understanding God’s truth and obeying His commands, they will able to testify His resurrection as the fullfilment of the Bible. Amen.