• Luke 21:5-28
  • Lemah Putro
  • 2022-03-20
  • Pdm. Jusak Pundiono
  • https://www.gkga-sby.org/mobile/index.php/ibadah-umum/1147-remaining-firm-in-waiting-for-salvation
  • Video Ibadah: KLIK DISINI


Recently, the All England 2022 badminton match took place and turned out that it was not easy to maintain the world championship because there were many factors that became challenges such as a prolonged pandemic which also affected health, mentality, and training techniques. Likewise, we are facing many challenges to maintain our faith in Christianity in the midst of turbulent world due to wars, natural disasters, economics, etc. 

What challenges do we face and how can we remain firm in waiting for salvation?

  1. The misleading phenomenon of Christianity.

Many churches compete to boast of their physical buildings (vv. 5-6). There is indeed nothing wrong if we sacrifice funds, thoughts and energy to beautify the church building, but the ephemeral splendor of the church building (artistic, modern, comfortable, complete and sophisticated equipment) has no contribution to human salvation and is also not a guarantee for us to be able to endure in waiting for salvation. Example: When terrorists bombed several churches from different denominations in Surabaya (“Santa Maria Tak Bercela” Catholic church, GKI Diponegoro church, GPPS church) on May 13, 2018, social media did not expose the damaged church buildings too much but reported on the testimonies of the victims’ ministries. They are like a sweet-smelling sacrifice to God. Nothing is important before God except our faith, even though we have to sacrifice our lives for the ministry. Such testimony certainly strengthens our faith. It is clear that the completeness and sophistication of the church facility and the comfort of the church building cannot be a mainstay for the salvation of our souls. In other words, comfort is not directly proportional to the congregation's ability to endure in waiting for salvation as it only becomes physical attractions to certain people who prioritize comfort when going to church. Discomfort is actually a test of our faith. Example: When underground church congregations were pressured and even banned from worshiping by non- Christian governments, their faith grew in the midst of hardships, challenges, suffering and persecution. 

Let's compare the two penny offerings from a poor widow to the tinkling money offerings from rich people (vv. 1-4) for the maintenance of the temple (v. 5). The difference is that the living offering of the poor widow came from a heart that was changed by love, but the rich gave his offering out of the abundance of physical blessings but driven by his cold heart. 

Lesson: Don't go to church just because you want to enjoy the splendor, comfort of the building, and complete physical facilities (AC, music, etc.). But we should come to church to worship God and to be strengthened by His Word so that we will experience life changes and mature spiritual growth even though we are physically in a weak condition. The continuous development of spiritual life gives us the strength to persevere in waiting for salvation. Peter once admired the beauty of the (dead) stones of the Temple in Jerusalem but when the Holy Spirit took control of him, his mind was changed and he wrote that the living stones are much more beautiful and able to withstand the challenges of the time. That is why he encourages us to be living stones, used for building spiritual houses and offerings pleasing to God (1 Peter 2:1- 5). Indeed, bombs can destroy (dead) stones of the church buildings but the victims who died were like living stones that were offered as a fragrant offering to God. 

Jesus not only talked about the building but also alluded to misleading profiles (church leaders) because they "advertised" themselves as Christ, making themselves famous/viral to attract the attention of the masses (vv. 7-8). There is much news that predicts or relates to the end time, not even a few have been uttered by Christian "characters". Example: Vaccine is associated with the Antichrist, so many Christians refuse to be vaccinated. Also the profile of the “Church of Almighty God” – a cult that is sophisticated in digitization and is promoting itself worldwide. Indeed, its doctrine is great but it ends up misleading others! 

Beware, do not easily believe and be attracted to "Christian figures" even though they are famous and have predicted about the end of time. We must have the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit so that we are not easily fooled by a phenomenal servant of God. We   must also be able to judge news that is wrapped like God's Word and select misleading news about the end time (2 Thessalonians. 2:1-4) . Compare that with the profile of a spiritual figure who likes showing off from head to toe and encourages the congregation to enrich themselves (Luke 20:46-47)! Unlike the church figures in the past whose appearance was simple and were even willing to sacrifice themselves for the salvation of souls. 

  1. Sentiment towards Christianity is increasing.

Application: Let's start by testifying about God's involvement, care and protection in facing economic and health problems that had happened to us by His permission. Discomfort and a little suffering are forms of small exercises and the Holy Spirit will help us in dealing with them all with God's wisdom so that we don't have to be in haste and make a plan to defend ourselves (v. 14). 

Where do we have the stock of words of wisdom from? By diligently reading the Bible since childhood (2 Timothy 3:15) and then training ourselves to respond to think, say, and behave with wisdom in facing challenges in order to be able to endure in waiting for salvation. 

What are the benefits of reading the Bible? There is a sure guarantee of life because God the Trinity protects our lives from head to toe (vv. 18-19). 

  1. Anxiety is increasing over the entire population of the earth.

Jesus spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem (vv. 20-21) and there are even parts of Jerusalem that are trampled by Gentiles to this day. History may repeat itself whether Jerusalem will be destroyed once again, but the certain thing is that the big cities in the world that used to provide guarantees of comfort and security are now no longer promising, even their citizens face a terrible "catastrophe" (v. 23). 

Introspection: Can city security systems protect us from pandemic and terrorists? Can the infiltration of non-Christians be prevented from entering Christian-majority cities? Aren't there many churches that have changed their functions? Christian cities will be trampled underfoot by people who do not know God (v. 24). Don't move abroad because you feel safer, more orderly and cleaner than our country because the fact is that in every change of leadership there is always upheaval, looting, rebellion, and even murder. In short, nowhere in the world is safe. 

There are rumors that in the midst of the Russia vs Ukraine war, the split between the leaders of the Russian vs Ukrainian Orthodox church has re-emerged in the mass media. Church history has carved out a great split between West vs East Christianity (the Great Schism of 1054 AD) causing Constantinople with the phenomenal Hagia Sophia church to be ruled by non-Christian nations. Why? Because the Eastern Orthodox church leaders could not ask for help from the Western churches and the Western churches only stood by, letting Constantinople be destroyed by non-Christian hands. 

The roar of calamity on earth and in the heavens will increase the anxiety of the inhabitants of the earth but there is sure comfort that keeps us going because God the Trinity is in control of everything that happens in our lives (vv. 22, 24). 

Facing fear and anxiety that is getting more intense and mounting, we are trained to hope for His return. Our faith will be tested; therefore, direct our minds and hearts to Him who is the Ruler of the universe (vv. 27-28). 

It is undeniable, day by day anxiety is increasingly gripping the entire population of the earth because there is no longer any comfort and security due to the ongoing pandemic, increasing crime, economic crises and wars. Not to mention the appearance of the profiles of heretics with their various misleading teachings. There is no other way to endure in waiting for salvation unless we are faithful to God, dedicate our lives to Him and actively serve Him until He comes to pick us up to live with Him in the New Jerusalem forever. Amen.