By Lay Pastor Budy Avianto
Lemah Putro, Sunday, February 23, 2020


From the beginning of the service we could feel the Lord’s presence in the midst of us. It was even strengthened by the lyrics of the songs that had been prepared by our brother Adrian who had supposedly led the worship that day. However, the Lord had a different will as He called Adrian back to His side through a sudden heart attack. Coincidentally, the worship leader who substituted him that day is also having a heart problem. The same issue went with the preacher that day. The preacher has also had five stents in his heart, and six years ago, he got the heart attack that almost killed him. This, indeed shows us how man is really like grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower that quickly fades (Isaiah 40:6)! Therefore, what can we, as human beings, boast about? Nothing! Unless we are getting closer to God like how it is expressed in the song the Youth Choir Group, “Nearer my God to Thee,” for if we are still alive till today, it’s all only by His grace.

It has been explained over and over that the very person of Jesus is the Redeemer of sin and the magnificent Word of God. Jesus is the Word who incarnated as man (John 1:14), so people could visually see Him at that time. He brought a mission to bear all human’s sins so they should not perish but have everlasting life. We need to know that there is no righteous man for all have sinned (Romans 3: 10, 23) and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

Now, we cannot see His very person visually but only through His Words that we read and hear. Do we still believe that He is the only one able to give us solution and a guarantee to the eternal life that is free from the punishment of fire and sulfur without any limits or eternally?

We should act like the two of John the Baptist’s disciples. When Jesus was passing by, their teacher said, “Behold the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36). What were their responses?

♦ Hearing what their teacher said, they followed Jesus (v. 37). They were interested in having fellowship with Jesus.
♦ They stayed with Jesus (vv. 38-39).

Such a joy for us now if we like to read the Word of God, listen and obey it for the time is coming nearer (Revelation 1:3). The time of His second coming is at hand, and he has some rewards to give to everyone according to his work (Revelation 22:12). Blessed are we who believe and receive Him for He has redeemed our sins. We are racing with time, we should open our hearts so that the Word of God would stay in us.
What happened next as they stayed with Jesus (the Word of God stays in our hearts)?

♦ Andrew, one of them, met his brother, Simon Peter, and told him that he had just found the Messiah (vv. 40-41). Their faith grew as they had stayed with Jesus and saw what He did.
Who is the Messiah? The Messiah in Greek is called Christos = the blessed one.

Actually, the Word of God isn’t just a pack of dead words like the words found in newspapers and magazines. The Word that we believe in is the Very Person of God Himself that is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). We can’t deny that each of us has our own problems, and the verses that contain corrections, advice, and consolations are precise for each person/individual. Therefore, it’s clear that the Word of God isn’t a mere word but it’s full of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ – the Word, the Messiah – who is full of anointing has the power to change our old life if only we want to confess our sins and are willing to stay with Him and let Him stay in us. That’s how our spiritual life grows.

What happened after these two disciples found the Messiah (and the same question goes for us who has got the blessing of a new life)? We must not be selfish and keep it for ourselves but we must tell it to people around us – to our husbands, wives, children, families, friends etc.

What triggered them (and us) to testify? Do we remember the story of the Samaritan woman who met Jesus by the well of Jacob (John 4:4-7)? This woman was about to draw water from the well which, however, would make her thirsty again. Aren’t all that come from the world like lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, mortal and passing away (1 John 2:16-17)? As a proof, rich men tend to be dissatisfied with what they have, instead they desire more and more money, and surely there would be many other examples. Jesus knew this woman wasn’t satisfied with her marriage life, so Jesus offered her the living water that could satisfy the thirst and would become a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4:10-18). What does this “living water” mean? The living water is the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39). We really need the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts to help us remember the Word of God (John 14:26).

The Samaritan woman was greatly impressed by Jesus who was able to tell her all of her wrong doings that were spoken not to judge her but to solve her problem. This woman confessed her sin, and faith came in her heart so she believed in Jesus as a prophet (the one who speaks for God). Jesus wasn’t satisfied and continued the conversation with the woman. Jesus explained that worshiping idols was far different from the worship to the Heavenly Father. The worship to idols happens in certain places to the unknown gods, while the true worshipers worship God in spirit and righteousness, and it isn’t limited only in certain places (John 4:23-24).

Do we know that the Holy Spirit in our hearts is for the sake of worshiping God so that our spiritual lives keep growing? Finally, the Samaritan woman said that a Messiah (Christ) would come and tell them all things. Jesus answered her by saying that He was the Messiah (v. 25). This woman got so much joy for meeting Jesus, the Messiah that she testified to the people in her city about Jesus (vv. 28-29). As a result, many Samaritans believed in Jesus and asked Him to stay with them for two days (v. 39-40). They admitted that Jesus was truly the Redeemer of the world (v. 42). Their faith grew as they no longer listened to human’s testimony, but they had come directly to the Word that was full of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This enabled them to worship Him in spirit and righteousness.

The same story goes with Saul, the scribes and the student of the great Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). Unfortunately, he didn’t believe in Jesus; as a result, he misused his keenness and murdered people who didn’t have the same faith as his. Being very blood thirsty about the follower of Christ, he was never satisfied to keep chasing them till he met Jesus, the Word that brought him to repentance. He then was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:1-18). His life was utterly changed that all things he used to see as gain to him, was now counted loss by him for Christ (Philippians 3:4-8). His mindset being changed, Paul forgot what was behind him. He reached forward to the call of God in Jesus Christ (vv. 12-14) so that one day he would live with Him in the New Jerusalem where all things had passed away (Revelation 21:2-4).

♦ Andrew and Peter must have told Philip who stayed in Bethsaida. Philip followed Jesus to Galilee where they met his friend, Nathanael. Philip then told his friend that he had found Jesus, son of Josef from Nazareth whom Moses in the law and the prophets wrote (John 1:43-45). What was Nathanael's response as he heard all this? He who was from Nazareth himself didn’t believe that something good could come from the little place like Nazareth. Therefore, Philip asked Nathanael to come and directly meet Jesus (v. 46-47).

Application: When we have any doubt as we hear someone’s testimony or a sermon from a preacher, we should come checking the Word of God to see the truth like the congregation in Berea (Acts 17:11). Remember, faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ (Rome 10:17) not from someone’s testimony that sometimes doesn’t fit with the Word of God. As Jesus said, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!” (John 1:47), Nathanael was dumfounded perceiving Jesus who knew him though they never met before.

Jesus knew Nathanael’s actual condition – there wasn’t any deceit/hypocrisy. How could it be? Isn’t there any one blameless before Him? It must have been because he obeyed the Word of God after he believed in Him.
Application: Whoever obeys the Word of God – God’s very own person – starts it all with faith to Him, then his love to God becomes perfect, then God is in him and he would live like Christ (1 John 2:5-6). If the Word of God stays in our hearts, whatever we think and say will come from our hearts (Luke 6:45). The word of God has the power to change our lives to be new creatures with Christ’s characteristics (1 Corinthians 5:17). The Triune God – God in love, Jesus (the Word) and the Holy Spirit lives and controls our lives.

What was Nathanael’s reaction towards what Jesus said? Nathanael’s understanding grew after he met Jesus; therefore, he didn’t stop at just admitting Jesus as a Redeemer, the promised Lamb of God who would bear the sins of the world, but also admitting Jesus as the Son of God, the King of Israelites (v. 49). A king must have an authority and power.

Jesus – the Word of God – is able to tell us what we did in the past. Moses even wrote things that happened before he was born (in Genesis). This shows how authoritative the Word of God is, and that Jesus is full of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Did the Israelites believe in Jesus? Jesus was brought before Pilate, a Gentile, who found no wrong in Him and tried to let Jesus be set free, but the Jews, instead, shouted to crucify Him (John 19:4, 12-5). On the cross they put an inscription above Jesus’ head saying, “Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews) (v.19).

Knowledge about Jesus – the Word of God – was increasing to the level of admitting Him as the “King above all kings and Lord above all lords (Revelation 19:11-16) and also as the Heavenly Bridegroom who is welcomed by His bride when He is coming again (Revelation 22:17).

Likewise, our knowledge of Jesus – the Word – should keep increasing from the level of reading and meditating on the Bible to the level of putting it all into practice in our daily lives. The Word of God doesn't consist of just the usual dead words but it's full of the anointing from the Holy Spirit that has the power to change our lives to become new men with Christ-like characters. Our faith must keep growing to the peak where we admit Jesus – the Word – is the King above all kings and Lord above all lords, and one day we will live with Him in the New Jerusalem forever and ever. Amen.


Video ibadah ini dapat disimak di Ibadah Umum - "Yesus adalah Mesias, Raja diatas raja" - Pdm. Budy Avianto.