By Lay Pastor Setio Dharma Kusuma
Lemahputro, Sunday, January 12, 2020


When someone passed away and we are no longer be able to meet them in person, any message that they left would be very precious and valuable to us. Just like Jesus, before returning to heaven, He left His disciples the great commission to preach the gospel of salvation to the end of the earth.

What was Paul’s message to the Philippians that we also need to respond? Philippians 4: 21-22; “Give greetings to all the saints in Christ Jesus. The brothers with me here send greetings. All the saints greet you, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household.”

In biblical research, there was not any certainty about where this epistle was written. Some source says that it was written in Caesarea near Jerusalem. But in King James Version bible, it is clearly mentioned that it was written in Rome and then brought to Philippi by Epaphroditus. However, let it not become a dispute since it was not the focus of the observation and research (of the history of the writing) done thousands of years ago. Still, there is an indicator that this epistle was written in Rome because of the word ‘household’ (Philippians 1:13; 4:22).

Our focus this time will be on Paul’s greetings that he addressed while he was still in jail. The word ‘greetings’ then escalates in verse 23, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.”

The Apostle Paul wrote ‘the grace’ in the beginning of this epistle (Philippians 1:1-2) and also in the end (Philippians 4:23) as a reminder that all saints in Philippi were given God’s grace.

What is the meaning of grace? Grace in Greek is charis, which means gift. Hence, the gift or grace of Lord Jesus shall be with us, and even with our spirit.

What kind of grace was given to the Philippians (and us)? It is written in Philippians 1:29 “For it has been granted to you not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for Him.”

Clearly there are only two points related to grace: (1) to believe in Christ (2) to suffer for Him. So it is obvious that to believe in Him and to suffer for Him are counted as grace that becomes our portion. Is not that when we attend any service, all is driven by our belief in Christ and therefore we offer our life for Him?

Honestly speaking, we tend to find the phrase ‘to suffer for Him’ disturbing, and are wondering, “Does it mean that we are taught the theology of suffering?” Jesus Himself said, “If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me (Luke 9:23).

We should be aware that when we follow Him, we should have a desire for Him only, not His blessings. Jesus clearly says that everyone who is willing to follow Him shall take up the cross daily – not only for a day or two.

The phrase ‘the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit’ might be confusing because we are still alive and not in the spiritual world yet. However, be assured that one day we will be there when God calls us home to live with Him forever. Although we have not been there yet, the signs of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ can be learned and experienced by now.

The signs of those who believe in Christ and are willing to suffer for His sake:

Bearing fruit in life, and gaining in death (Philippians 1:20b-22).

Never have we found in this world that death is a gain, but it is in the Lord. And while we are still alive, He demands that we bear fruits. Otherwise, it would be a sign that we don’t have the grace to believe and to suffer for Him. Let us focus more on bearing fruits rather than getting fruits/blessings.

What kind of fruits that we may share to others? It is our progress and joy of faith, also how we take pride in Christ (Philippians 1:25-26).

When we are doing our ministries (preaching, playing music, singing, and so on), our activities should bring people to have progress in their faith and also to rejoice, not to make them set back from the Lord. In addition, through our ministries, we should make people proud of Christ only, instead of the preacher, choir, music players, ushers, etc.

Application: Whatever ministry we do, let it bring people nearer to God, lest it becomes a temptation to lift ourselves up. In other words, the fruit is to boost other people’s faith; not for our own commendation. Therefore, use simple words in doing the sermon or in worship leading so that anyone will be able to comprehend the message.

♦ Being proud because of knowing Christ rather than possessing worldly things (Philippians 3:7-8)

Paul actually had many physical strength to be proud of, (v.4) namely his hereditary tribe (an Israelite of Benjamin tribe – a real Hebrew), his excellent knowledge of theology (a Pharisee), his perfect attitude as the doer of the Torah Law (circumcised on the eighth day, a persecutor of the so called followers of Christ). Yet all those attributes that he used to take pride in now became no more than dung after he knew Christ. He did not boast about his origin anymore because the same as us, the believers, he knew that his citizenship is in heaven and we are all waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, our savior (Philippians 3:20).

Introspection: Are we proud of our origin and feel that we are of the best tribe, noblemen, Chinese, etc.? Don’t count on those physical things, for God sees neither our titles nor our tribes when we come to know Him.

Always rejoicing in the Lord (Philippians 4:4)

The world will never comprehend how a person in suffering can rejoice. Despite his suffering in prison, the Apostle Paul always rejoiced when he remembered the Philippians (Philippians 1:3-4). He even said that he would still rejoice though he was offered upon the sacrifice and service of their faith (Philippians 2:17-18). For that reason, he sent Epaphroditus earlier that the Philippians could remain in joy (v.28). Paul was not selfish; on the contrary, he always tried to strengthen other people’s faith. Obviously, the world’s concept is far different from God’s. The world always focuses on its own interests, ignoring the others’ needs and conditions.

Applications: We shall rejoice when our ministry is profitable for others. This is the true joy. Beware, when we rejoice because we are praised, most likely disunity would start to take place.

Having no more fear (Philippians 4:6-7)

Honestly speaking, fear starts to creep in when we think about our children’s future. If the grace of God becomes our portions, fear shall surely be gone. Bible speaks a lot about fear and Jesus Himself emphasized that we should not worry about what we shall eat, drink or wear for fowls do not sow or reap, but heavenly Father feeds them (Matthew 6:25-26).

Food and clothes are commonly pursued by nations without God, but God knows that we need those things (v. 31-32). Paul also spoke about this concern since he had experienced times of need and abundance, so he was no stranger to both hunger and being full (Philippians 4:12). Furthermore, he even gave us the solution which is to utter our request to God through prayer and thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6).

We have to confess that we often pray to ask for God’s help rather than to give thanks for His sacrifice and kindness to us. Whether in need or in abundance, we should always pray in both supplication and thanksgiving.
How did King Solomon describe the righteous that feared and trembled before the wicked? They are like a troubled fountain and a corrupt spring (Proverbs 25:26). So, as long as we are still controlled by fear, we are just like a troubled fountain and a corrupt spring before Him. Nevertheless, after God answers our prayers of supplication, let us not forget to give thanks to Him.

Being able to do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13)

Speaking of ‘all things’, it refers to the result of our ministry, not the result of our wrongdoings. Paul was imprisoned because of Christ – not because he had committed a crime. Thus, it doesn’t mean that we can do all things – corruption, marital infidelity, unfaithfulness to ministry; and then we come to the Lord asking for strength to bear the consequences. God will strengthen us to do all things as long as we live in accordance with His true Word.

Do we have God’s grace in our life? Do we really believe in Christ? Are we willing to suffer for Him? Do we have all those five signs within our lives? Let us introspect ourselves! Are we proud of our successful ministries? Does fear control our life?

When we have already been all-out in our ministry, on the right track, have built a good communication with others and yet, we are still despised, it’s actually the sign that we are receiving God’s grace. Don’t be discouraged because the Lord will surely give us strength to bear it. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ always be with us! Amen.


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