By Lay Pastor Wahyu Widodo
Johor, Sunday, June 16, 2019



Living in a society, we are in the midst of various backgrounds: cultural, educational, social, economic and so on. How do we, as believers, position ourselves among them in carrying out the commandments of the Word of God? Through the teachings of the Letter to the Colossians, our renewed character is marked by the removal of the old characteristics full of rebellion, hatred, revenge etc. Have we become the living witnesses to those who do not believe in God yet?

What is the message from the Apostle Paul in his writing? Colossians 4:5-6 write, Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

There are many reasons why people appreciate or value the time in work or business. For example, to show how the servants obey their masters or the leaders intensify the performance of the employees. Time is indeed precious in all things: to maintain work stability, strengthen the unity in family, etc. Because of that, we must be disciplined to use our time orderly and to maintain it.

By learning the Letter to the Colossians, we find out how to use the time or opportunity well hence we have the changing-life experience from the threat of destruction to a prosperous life in peace and certainty.

Using time well is also useful to help others to accept Christ as their Saviour in their lives.

Before the Letter to the Colossians is ended with greetings, the culmination is a command to live as a new-man: “Live with wisdom”. Of course, this command becomes effective if we have taken off our old lives and its practices (Colossians 3:9-10).

There is no other way to fill this life properly than to live wisely. The Word of God encourages us to be wise at any time with outsiders.

At the beginning of the writing of this letter, there was a supplication prayer regarding to the wisdom from above to know the perfect will of God (Colossian 1:9). That is the wisdom of God in Christ’s cross for the salvation of man, which contains the forgiveness of sins (Colossian 1:14). Through the Letter to the Colossians, we know God’s lovingkindness, His power, His justice, His choice followed with His forgiveness of our sins and the guarantee of the continuous sanctification by the power of His blood.

The wisdom of God is the power which is given to fill His congregation with spiritual treasure as an equipment of new man who is renewed continuously.

Living in wisdom with outsiders
How to live wisely with outsiders? The power of Christ’s reconciliaton delivers a fellowship of the saints who always receive and carry out His teaching hence they experience the life-changing. On the contrary, those who disbelieve and reject the teaching of the Gospel of Christ and keep their old life are categorized as outsiders. These people are around us blended in relationship among believers as masters, servants, co-workers, etc.

We must live wisely towards outsiders without ignoring the believers in holy fellowship. Also, as new men, we no longer act as worldly men. Likewise, toward our fellow believers, we should love, help and care for one another as Christ has taught us.

In order to become witnesses towards outsiders, using the time wisely is necessarily needed through our utterances and deeds which have been renewed by Christ so that we may reach the unsaved souls. However, it is needed to be aware of their influence because bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33).

We can live wisely by keeping life which is being renewed through the discipline and rebuked by God’s Word (Colossians 3:5-10).

Loving words and not bland
As a new life, we are no longer filled with pointless things even in words or behavior. We have put off all pointless things together with our old lives. Only by the Word of God, our words and behaviors can be controlled and advantageable for our lives.

Knowing how to give answer to everyone
Living in the fullness of Christ enables us to respond to everyone to give advice and solutions to problems. The power of God’s Word is real in every life who wants to be molded according to His will.

The process of forming a new man’s character should be followed with the obedience and perseverance towards the hope of the Gospel which becomes a real testimony for those who need help when facing problems.

Take note! All Christ’s words give the richness of knowledge of wisdom to teach and to rebuke each other. They also bring praise and gratitude from the heart. All these things keep going on until they gain the perfection as He has promised that is to be holy, flawless, without blemish and worthy before Him. Such achievement gives the strength and the immunity toward the influence of the earthly power which brings destruction. It is also ready to give answer to everybody. Amen.