Lay Pastor Setio Dharma K
Lemah Putro, Sunday, June 16, 2019

Greetings of peace,

The Word of God delivered last week advised us to persevere in prayer. And what advice does His Word give for the basis of the preaching this morning? Can the Word of God answer the problem according to the conditions we face today? Keep in mind that whether in church or in community, we comprise a variety of generations, including: baby boomers (born before 1960); X generation (1961 - 1980); Y generation – millennial generation (1981 - 1994); Z generation (1995 - 2010) and Alpha generation (2010 - now). There are differences in mindset and lifestyle between the older generation and the current generation because the presence of computers, video games, gadgets and smart phones connected to the sophistication of the internet can no longer be avoided. For example: a 9-year-old child is adept at fiddling with his cellphone and no longer needs to ask his parents if he wants to know something. One day, a grandmother accompanied her grandchild who wanted to know the shape of a butterfly, because such insect is rarely found in the city. The grandchild immediately clicked Google and found the answer then showed an explanation with a butterfly image to the grandmother. It turns out that in addition to the writing of butterflies, there are many words in the line below that are related to butterflies, including ‘night butterfly’. The grandmother immediately forbade the grandchild to click on the ‘night butterfly’ because she thought 'night butterfly' signified a prostitute. There is a different understanding! The grandmother meant well without being able to give an explanation to the grandchild. Because it was banned by the grandma, the grandchild was hurt and then confided to friends. At the end, the grandchild enters topics that might not be good just because of their curiosity.

In any kind of economic condition (rich, sufficient, mediocre), people use cellphones to make it easier to get information and service quickly via online. For example: young people do not need to leave home since eating and working activities can be done in their room, e.g. they can simply order food via online, get passive income with Forex Trading and so on. Without realizing it, they are so engrossed in such a lifestyle that they forget the need to interact with the community / society.

What does the Word of God advise us, facing the conditions that are full of comfort and convenience now? Colossians 4: 5-6 reminds us:

  • To live with wisdom
    "Live (peripateo: to walk, to make progress) with wisdom (sophia = knowledge, intelligence, wisdom) towards outsiders" (v. 5a)

Let the journey of life and all our movements/activities as believers in Jesus are full of wisdom towards outsiders/foreigners who do not know Him. Without wisdom, we will act like the grandmother who can only be angry with the grandchild but cannot provide explanation and guidance. Without wisdom, we also behave like people without Christ.

What kind of wisdom does this mean? Colossians calls wisdom up to six times, namely:
- Colossians 1: 9 → the wisdom to know God's will perfectly
- Colossians 1:28 → the wisdom to lead each person to perfection in Christ
- Colossians 2: 3 → that in Christ is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
- Colossians 2:23 → wisdom rules with homemade godliness aimed at satisfying worldly life
- Colossians 3:16 → wisdom from the in-dwelling of the words of Christ in us to be able to teach and rebuke while singing and thanking God
- Colossians 4: 5 → full of wisdom towards outsiders.

True wisdom is always directed toward Christ, not to other individuals. In summary, we must live with the wisdom of Christ towards outsiders. As long as we do not understand the will of God, our wisdom is not necessarily true according to the measurement of the word of God.

How can we understand God's will and wisdom?
- Offering our bodies as living sacrifices which are holy and pleasing to God. This is true worship (Romans 12: 1).
In doing our godliness we offer/give something to the Lord not expecting to be given by Him. So, if we go to church with the intention of receiving blessings, this is not true godliness. What can we give to the Lord? Our life.

- Not to be like the world even though we still live in it (v. 2).
It must be admitted that as long as we still live in the world, we associate with outsiders who have not believed in Jesus but our life style should not be similar to them. Our mind must be renewed so that we can understand God's will. Example: our dressing up, grooming and appearance do not follow worldly trends that are hit like: wearing a miniskirt and tank-top, hair painted green/white etc. Note, Google can provide the explanation we need, but Google can never teach and give moral lessons to us.

- Use the time (kairos = opportunity) maximally (v. 5b).
There are two kinds of time in Greek:
Chronos: time either long or short → points at a certain time period (can be long or short). Example: Jesus saw a 38-year-old sick man lying on the porch of the Pool of Bethesda waiting for the angel of God to stir the water so that he could go into the pool in advance to get healed. Jesus saw that he had been long (chronos: long time) in that state (John 5: 6). At other times, Jesus was tempted by Satan and taken to high ground and in the blink of an eye (chronos: short time) was shown all the kingdoms of the world (Luke 4: 5).

Kairos: proper time = right time; season; opportunity.
Jesus told His brothers to go ahead of Him following the Feast of Tabernacles while He had not yet gone there because His time (kairos) was not yet fully come (John 7: 8).
When the disciples asked Jesus to restore the kingdom for Israel, Jesus answered that they did not need to know the time (chronos) and season (kairos) which the Father Himself set according to His power (Acts 1: 7).

In connection with the return of the Lord, the Apostle Paul wrote about the age (chronos) and the period (kairos) which did not need to be written (1 Thessalonians 5: 1).

In short, kairos can not be repeated. Example:
- Apostle Paul stated that when (kairos) his death was near (2 Timothy 4: 6).

- Humans are set to die once, Christ only once sacrificed Himself to bear the sins of many people (Hebrews 9: 27-28) → cannot be repeated.

- When we were weak, Christ died for us, ungodly people at the time (kairos) determined by God (Romans 5: 6).

Therefore, use kairos maximally because it will never be repeated. If there is time and opportunity to witness and preach the gospel of salvation to someone who has not/does not know God, do not ever delay it because of fear or regret for such opportunities cannot be repeated. What is the use of our understanding the teachings of the Tabernacle and the Bride Tidings but not applying it in everyday life? Likewise, if God moves our hearts to ask forgiveness for people we have hurt (husband and wife relations, parents-children; servants-masters) or to make sacrifice for God's work, let us not harden our hearts, but immediately carry it out because such opportunities will not be repeated; even if this happens to a different occasion and other person. Be alert, when (kairos) death comes, all our actions (good and bad) are accounted for before God. Therefore, as long as there is a chance, let us do good to all people, especially to fellow believers (Galatians 6:10).

  • His words are always friendly (Colossians 4: 6)
    "Let your words always be full of love (charis = grace; gift; generosity; pleasure; friendliness; thanksgiving; reward; benefit), don't be tasteless (seasoned with salt) so that you know how to answer each person."

Salt serves to give taste; so let our words always give a sense of friendliness to know how to answer to everyone.

Why are we reminded to speak of love and friendliness? It is because everyone has weaknesses. Example: the weakness of a husband is being rude to his wife while a wife is difficult to submit to her husband; children are rebellious and disobey their parents while parents are authoritarian in hurting their children; a servant has a struggle to obey the command of his master; whereas a master has difficulties to be fair and honest to his servants (Colossians 3: 18-25; 4: 1).

Application: we should be careful and wise in using our mouths to speak and fingers to write on social media (Whatsapp, Instagram, etc.). Do not discriminate between places and circumstances in using words, for example: in church we speak politely and spiritually, but outside the church (on the road, school, workplace) we swear and scorn which become daily habits.

Why do we have to live full of wisdom, maximize the opportunities that exist and speak full of friendliness?
♦ Because we have been raised together with Christ (Colossians 3: 1).

♦ Because we are new men who are constantly being renewed (v. 10).

♦ Because we are God's chosen people (v. 12).

Yes, because we are God's chosen people, these three points must be absolutely carried out. There is nothing else. Lord Jesus bless us all. Amen.


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