By Pastor Paulus Budiono
Lemah Putro, Sunday, February 17, 2019

How delighted we are to sing the hymn So Great is the Peace He Gives (English version: Constantly Abiding) during the worship service! After all, do we still keep the peace in our hearts once we are outside of the church – at school, at work or in the society? Aren’t the grace and peace of God with us as written in Colossians 1:2? Do we constantly desire God’s blessings of grace and peace? It all depends on our faith.
When we read a letter we have been looking forward to, our facial expression brings our response to light . A smile, for example, turns into a frown; even a bright face turns pale, etc. It all depends on what the writer wrote about.
We have read the Letter to the Colossians over and over. The writer (the Apostle Paul) is no longer with us. Does the content of the letter give us joy as we read it time and again? Are the verses in the letter meant for someone or addressed to us? Having read the letter, do we read it to or share it with others? The Colossians did it to the Laedocians (Colossians 4: 16) despite the difficult road conditions they had to take at the time.
Thanks to the transportation and technology facilities, today’s conditions are way different. Despite these comforts, we are lazy to go to church and read the Bible as well. To make matters worse, some take a church for “a restaurant” with an extensive menu of the Word to the delight of their ears. Never act like the Israelites who got sick of manna and missed the dishes and spices in Egypt (Numbers 11: 4-6)!
Please not that God’s peace is with us all the days of our lives because it is a gift of the immortal God. If we turn it down, we will suffer the loss for the rest of our lives. Having fed 5,000 men, Jesus said that He is the Living Bread from heaven that gives life to the world (John 6: 33-35). Whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood will have eternal life. He will raise them up on the last day (v. 54).
What applies to us today is that every time we eat the bread and drink from the cup at the Lord’s Supper, we proclaim the death of the Lord until His return (1 Corinthians 11: 24-26). Don’t we take the bread of God’s Word marked with the sacrifice of His blood to obtain eternal life?
Working together, the (old) Apostle Paul and his pupil, (the young) Timothy, conveyed grace and peace to keep the Colossian believers. Aside from that, they observed and prayed for them. They couldn’t help giving thanks for the condition of the Colossians. The reality is that a pastor now weeps for his “lost” church members or for those who attend another church where “the Word” sounds like music to their ears.
What made the Apostle Paul and Timothy happy with the Colossians (and us)? Colossians 1: 3-5 write, “We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of your love for all the saints; because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel.”
There are three things that made the Apostle Paul and Timothy jouful and thankful to God for the Colossian believers (and us):
 Faith
A servant of God feels depressed when hearing or seeing the faith of his church members fall apart. If we take a closer look at the Apostle Paul’s letters such as the Letter to the Romans, the Letter to the Ephesians, the first as well as second Letters to the Tessalonians, etc., we will find out that these letters always feature faith, hope and love. Convicted by the Holy Spirit, Paul said that faith, hope and love would remain (1 Corinthians 13: 13). In fact, the faith of many Christians crumbles to the dust and their love chills leaving them hopless.
Is our faith still in line with the standards of God’s Word expressed in practice (James 2: 17,26), rather than theory? Do not live with hypocrisy! Jesus was hypocrisy free. In anguish, His sweat dripped like droplets of blood to the ground (Luke 22: 44).
How do we get faith? By hearing the Word of Christ (Romans 10:17). Faith the size of a mustard seed is powerful enough to move a mountain (Matthew 17: 20) because nothing is impossible for a believer (Mark 9: 23). Please note that believing in the Letter to the Ephesians but doubting the Letter to the Colossians is identical to having no faith.
Only the Lord Jesus Christ is able to give faith. Many people “claim” themselves to be believers because of the visible creations of God. Yet they distrust the transcendent Creator since they do not know the way.
Jesus himself said, ”I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14: 6). For that reason, God sent Jesus into the world to save instead of condemning it (John 3: 17). Watch out! Do not reject the Word of God (now) because we will be judged (later) according to our deeds before the white throne (Revelation 20: 11-12).
Faith cannot possibly grow by itself. Rather, it grows even stronger if we hear the Word of God consistently on a daily basis. This is similar to our meals that provide us with energy and power three times a day. If we do not eat on a routine basis and nor do we fast in moderation, we will eventually end up with health issues related to indigestion.
Never take faith lightly, let alone trade it in, because faith is a matter of eternity instead of working wonders! Therefore, at the last supper along with His disciples, Jesus warned Peter that the devil was about to sift him like wheat so that his faith would fail. But Jesus prayed for Peter.
Proudly and confidently, Peter said that would be ready to die with his Master. After all, Peter denied Him three times shortly afterwards (Luke 22: 31-33; 56-61). Peter’s faith failed at the point when he denied Jesus. Thanks to Jesus’ prayer, Peter came to his senses. He must have strengthened the faith of his fellow ministers as warned by Jesus.
We are supposed to pray for each other. Do not be overly self-confident since this attitude leads to the moment when faith is prone to failure! When we have faith, we ought help and pray for those who are weak in faith. For example, they no longer want to attend church as they get offended for one reason or another.
The verb “believe” is used in the present tense form, meaning that it refers to the present instead of the past time. So, when we hear the Word (now), we believe in it at the moment (at present). Jesus asks if the Son of Man will find faith on earth when He returns (Luke 18: 8b). More specifically, do we still believe in Him if the Lord comes today?
He knows the condition of someone’s faith through and through. However, He wants us to be honest: Do we believe in every single verse of His Word. Didn’t God know that Adam and Eve were naked due to their sin, hiding from Him in fear? He knows everything and He even knows man’s heart full of deceit (Jeremiah 17: 9-10). He only expected Adam’s honest confession coming out of his mouth.
Everyone has their own way to read the Word of God at home. Most importantly, we should believe in every verse we read. That way, we will not miss heaven. We should keep our faith growing by adding virtue to it; to virtue, knowledge; to knowledge, self-control; to self-control, perseverence; to perseverence, godliness; to godliness, brotherly love; to brotherly love, love for all (2 Peter 1: 5-7). If we do not have such things, we are blind and narrow-minded because we have forgotten the cleansing of our past sins (v. 9).
 Love
Love for each other has vanished since man fell into sin. This was evidenced when Adam who had loved Eve with all his heart (Genesis 2: 23) quickly blamed Eve for having gotten him to eat the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3: 12).
Are we able to love our fellowmen? Don’t we cherry-pick whom to love? We love one who is kind to us and disrespect another who looks down on us.
It is way far different from God’s love poured out by the Holy Spirit into our hearts just at the point when we were rebellious against Him. For this reason, He offered His only Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to salvage sinful men from the wrath of God (Romans 5: 5, 8-9).
If we appreciate Jesus’ love through His sacrifice dying on the cross, we will be empowered to love our fellowmen. And this love is sealed with sacrifice.
One of the characteristics of God’s love is that His love is endless. Over and above this, God is love (1 John 4: 8, 16) and eternal (1 Timothy 1: 17). Such love is no where on earth to come by since all His creations, including mankind, are mortal and need His restoration.
How do we crystalize our love for the Lord Jesus?
- By honoring the Lord’s Supper. By taking the bread and drinking from the cup, we proclaim His death until His return.
- By honoring Jesus’ sacrifice. This way, we are empowered to forgive our felowmen as love covers sins and unites people.
- By living up to the commands of His Word (John 14: 21).
Please note that human love is getting colder due to the growing rebellion in this end time (Matthew 24:12). We may attend church regularly. But do we love the preached Word?
Or do we keep ourselves busy with our mobile phones and even fall asleep while the high-spirited pastor is preaching?
Bear in mind that it is not the pastor who saves. Rather, it is our faith and love for Him that determine our salvation. Therefore, Jesus stresses that whoever endures to the end (and their love does not grow cold) will be saved (Matthew 24: 13). The Lord harshly rebukes the church in Ephesus for having fallen so deeply and departed from their first love. Unless they repent, He will remove their lampstand from its place (Revelation 2: 4-5).
 Hope
Pastors quite often preach about faith and love. Seldom do they bring topics on hope to the surface. Without realizing it, they do not look forward to the return of the Lord. In fact, the invisible hope (in heaven) is closely related to the true gospel (Colossians 1: 5). To put simply, if the gospel is wrong (e.g. the gospel of prosperity and others), the hope will be off the track and ignore the coming of the Lord.
It has been explained above that hope has to do with the gospel. Which gospel? The gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark 1: 1). Currently, numerous gospels without Jesus are mushrooming far and wide, right?
Writer of the Letters to Philemon, the Colossians, Ephesians and others, the Apostle Paul adhered to the preaching of the gospel of Christ (Romans 15: 19). Having found out that the Apostle Peter’s hypocrisy was against the truth of the gospel, he harshly rebuked Peter (Galatians 2: 11-14) in front of many people.
Let’s learn to unite with each other without regard to race or ethnicity. A spiritual leader is to deliver the gospel of truth since their sermons can potentially impact the faith of the congregation. The church in Corinth, for example, was engaged to Christ as the one and only Heavenly Bridegroom. Nevertheless, their minds were led astray so that they accepted another Jesus, another spirit and another gospel, rather than Paul’s preaching (2 Corinthians 11: 2-4).
The hope of the Jews (and ours) is directed to the resurrection of the dead. Arrested and handcuffed, the Apostle Paul said to king Agripha (government) that his arrest was attributed to his preaching in respect to God who was mighty to raise the dead up as He had promised it to the Jewish people’s ancestors (Acts 26: 4-8). It was their hope that all the dead (both the righteous and the sinful alike) would rise on the judgement day.
Do we also hope for His return and for our resurrection to be with Him in the New Jerusalem some day?
In reality, faith, love and hope are reserved for the Jewish people. By God’s grace, however, we, the gentiles, are also granted faith, hope and love that will never end. Indeed, we ought to give thanks for our salvation by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. His sacrifice enables us to nurture hope to be with Him because we love Him. Amen.
Lemah Putro, Minggu 17 Februari 2019
Pdt. Paulus Budiono
Kita suka menyanyikan “Damai yang dib‟rikan sangat besar” saat beribadah, masihkah ada damai di hati ketika kita berada di luar gereja saat bersekolah, bekerja atau bermasyarakat? Bukankah kasih karunia dan damai sejahtera dari Allah Bapa menyertai kita seperti tertulis di Kolose 1:2? Maukah kita senantiasa diberkati untuk menikmati kasih karunia dan damai dari Allah? Semua tergantung pada iman kita.
Ketika kita menerima surat yang kita dambakan, responsnya akan tampak jelas terekspresikan dari mimik kita, misal: muka dari tersenyum menjadi masam merengut bahkan berganti pucat dll.; semua tergantung dengan isi surat yang dituangkan oleh penulisnya. Kita telah berulang-ulang membaca Surat Kolose yang mana penulisnya (Rasul Paulus) sudah tidak ada lagi. Apakah konten surat tersebut menimbulkan rasa sukacita ketika dan setelah dibaca berkali-kali? Apakah ayat-ayatnya ditujukan kepada seseorang atau kita? Dan setelah membaca surat itu, apakah kita membacakan/memberitakannya kepada orang lain seperti telah dilakukan jemaat Kolose kepada jemaat Laodikia (Kol. 4:16) melewati lalu lintas jalan yang tidak mudah saat itu? Beda dengan kondisi sekarang, dengan adanya kemudahan transportasi dan teknologi kita malah malas ke gereja maupun membaca Alkitab. Lebih parah lagi, gereja dianggap sebagai „resto‟ menyajikan aneka macam menu „Firman‟ yang dapat dipilih sesuai selera telinga. Jangan bertindak seperti bangsa Israel yang muak dengan Manna lalu mereka menginginkan kembali makanan dan bumbu-bumbu di Mesir (Bil. 11:4-6)!
Perhatikan, damai sejahtera Allah menyertai kita sepanjang hidup karena diberi oleh Allah yang kekal. Jika kita menolaknya, kita sendiri yang rugi seumur hidup. Seusai memberi makan 5.000 laki-laki, Yesus memberitahu mereka bahwa Ia adalah roti hidup dari Surga yang memberi hidup kepada dunia (Yoh. 6:33-35). Barangsiapa makan daging-Nya dan minum darah-Nya, dia mempunyai hidup kekal dan Ia akan membangkitkannya pada akhir zaman (ay. 54). Maknanya bagi kita sekarang, setiap kali kita makan roti dan minum dari cawan Perjamuan Tuhan, kita memberitakan kematian Tuhan sampai Ia datang (1 Kor. 11:24-26). Bukankah kita makan roti Firman Tuhan ditandai dengan pengurbanan darah-Nya untuk beroleh hidup kekal?
Rasul Paulus (tua) bersama anak didiknya, Timotius (muda) dapat menyatu menyatakan kasih karunia dan damai sejahtera menyertai jemaat Kolose. Mereka mendoakan, mengamati dan mengucap syukur melihat kondisi jemaat Kolose. Namun yang sering terjadi sekarang gembala malah menangisi kondisi jemaatnya yang „terhilang‟ atau pindah gereja untuk mendengarkan “Firman” yang menyukakan telinga.
Apa yang membuat Rasul Paulus dan Timotius bersukacita terhadap jemaat Kolose (juga kita)? Kolose 1:3-5 menuliskan, “Kami selalu mengucap syukur kepada Allah Bapa Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus setiap kali kami berdoa untuk kamu karena kami telah mendengar tentang imanmu dalam Kristus Yesus dan tentang kasihmu terhadap semua orang kudus oleh karena pengharapan yang disediakan bagi kamu di sorga. Tentang pengharapan itu telah lebih dahulu kamu dengar dalam firman kebenaran yaitu Injil.”
Ada tiga hal yang membuat Rasul Paulus dan Timotius mengucap syukur kepada Allah dan bersukacita terhadap jemaat Kolose (juga kita) berkaitan dengan:
 Iman.
Seorang hamba Tuhan akan sangat sedih mendengar atau melihat iman jemaatnya runtuh. Bila kita membaca lebih cermat surat-surat Rasul Paulus seperti Surat Roma, Efesus, 1 dan 2 Tesalonika dll. selalu berbicara mengenai iman, harap dan kasih. Ia begitu diyakinkan (oleh Roh Kudus) untuk menyatakan yang tinggal hanyalah iman, pengharapan dan kasih (1 Kor. 13:13). Namun faktanya banyak iman orang Kristen berguguran, kasihnya menjadi dingin dan mereka tidak lagi berpengharapan.
Introspeksi: masihkah iman kita sesuai dengan standar Firman Tuhan dibuktikan dengan perbuatan iman (Yak. 2:17,26) bukan sekadar teori? Jangan hidup dalam kepura-puraan! Yesus tidak pernah berpura-pura, saat Ia diliputi ketakutan, peluh-Nya menjadi seperti titik-titik darah bertetesan ke tanah (Luk. 22:44).
Dari mana kita beroleh iman? Dari mendengar Firman Kristus (Rm. 10:17). Iman sebesar biji sesawi saja memiliki kuasa memindahkan gunung (Mat. 17:20) sebab tidak ada yang mustahil bagi orang yang percaya (Mrk. 9:23). Waspada jika kita mengimani surat Efesus tetapi ragu-ragu terhadap Surat Kolose, ini sama dengan kita tidak beriman.
Hanya Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang mampu memberikan iman. Banyak orang „mengaku‟ beriman karena melihat karya ciptaan Allah yang dapat dilihat tetapi meragukan Sang Pencipta yang transenden karena tidak mengetahui jalannya. Yesus sendiri mengatakan, “Akulah jalan dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tidak ada seorang pun yang datang kepada Bapa kalau tidak melalui Aku.” (Yoh. 14:6) Untuk itu Allah mengutus Yesus ke dalam dunia bukan untuk menghakimi dunia tetapi menyelamatkannya (Yoh. 3:17). Hati-hati, jangan kita menolak Firman Tuhan (sekarang) karena kita (nanti) akan dihakimi menurut perbuatan kita di takhta putih Allah (Why. 20:11-12).
Iman tidak mungkin bertumbuh dengan sendirinya tetapi akan bertumbuh lebih kuat jika mendengar Firman Tuhan secara konsisten tiap hari; sama halnya kita makan tiga kali sehari untuk beroleh energi/tenaga dan kekuatan. Kalau kita makan tidak teratur ditambah puasa tanpa batas waktu akibatnya akan timbul penyakit berkaitan dengan pencernaan.
Jangan pernah mempermainkan apalagi memperjualbelikan iman karena ini menyangkut kekekalan bukan sekadar menghasilkan mukjizat! Itu sebabnya dalam perjamuan malam terakhir bersama murid-murid-Nya, Yesus mengingatkan Petrus bahwa Iblis sedang menampi dia agar imannya gugur tetapi Ia berdoa untuknya. Dengan sombong penuh percaya diri Petrus mengatakan dia bersedia mati bersama Gurunya tetapi tak lama kemudian Petrus menyangkal Dia tiga kali (Luk. 22:31-33, 56-61). Iman Petrus gugur saat dia menyangkal Yesus. Berkat doa Yesus, Petrus insaf dan dia pasti menguatkan iman teman-teman sepelayanan seperti telah diingatkan Yesus.
Aplikasi: kita harus saling mendoakan agar iman kita tetap kuat. Jangan overconfident/terlalu percaya diri sebab di saat itulah iman kita rentan gugur! Setelah beriman, kita patut mendoakan dan menolong orang-orang yang lemah iman (tidak mau ke gereja karena tersinggung di sana-sini).
Kata „percaya‟ berbentuk present tense, berarti berlaku sekarang bukan masa lampau; jadi, saat kita mendengar Firman (sekarang), saat ini pula (sekarang) kita mengimaninya. Yesus mempertanyakan ketika Anak Manusia datang, adakah Ia mendapati iman di bumi (Luk. 18:8b). Lebih spesifik lagi, kalau hari ini Tuhan datang, apakah kita masih beriman kepada-Nya? Ia sangat tahu kondisi iman seseorang tetapi Ia meminta kejujuran kita apakah kita mengimani setiap ayat Firman-Nya. Apakah Allah tidak tahu Adam dan Hawa dalam kondisi telanjang dan berdosa sehingga ketakutan dan bersembunyi dari-Nya? Ia mengetahui semuanya bahkan Ia mengetahui hati manusia yang penuh dengan kelicikan (Yer. 17:9-10). Ia hanya menginginkan pengakuan jujur keluar dari mulut Adam.
Setiap orang mempunyai metode sendiri dalam membaca Firman Allah secara mandiri di rumah; yang penting imani setiap ayat agar kita tidak kehilangan Surga. Iman harus bertambah dengan perbuatan kebajikan – pengetahuan – penguasaan diri – ketekunan – kesalehan – kasih akan saudara-saudara – kasih akan semua orang (2 Ptr. 1:5-7). Jika kita tidak memiliki semuanya ini, kita buta dan picik karena lupa bahwa dosa-dosa masa lalu sudah dihapuskan (ay. 9).
 Kasih.
Sejak manusia jatuh dalam dosa, hilanglah kasih kepada sesama. Buktinya Adam yang sebelumnya mengasihi Hawa sepenuh hati (Kej. 2:23) dengan cepat menyalahkan Hawa yang membuat dia makan buah terlarang (Kej. 3:12).
Introspeksi: mampukah kita mengasihi sesama? Bukankah kita sering memilah-milah dalam mengasihi seseorang? Kita mengasihi si A yang baik kepada kita dan kurang menghargai si B yang meremehkan kita.
Jauh berbeda dengan kasih Allah yang dicurahkan ke dalam hati kita oleh Roh Kudus justru saat kita mendurhaka kepada-Nya. Oleh sebab itu Ia mengurbankan Putra Tunggal-Nya, Yesus Kristus, mati disalib demi menyelamatkan manusia berdosa dari murka Allah (Rm. 5:5,8-9).
Bila kita menghargai kasih Yesus melalui pengurbanan-Nya mati disalib, kita akan dimampukan mengasihi sesama yang ditandai dengan pengurbanan.
Salah satu karakteristik dari kasih Allah ialah kasih-Nya tidak berkesudahan; bahkan Allah itu kasih (1 Yoh. 4:8,16) dan kekal (1 Tim. 1:17). Kasih semacam ini tidak ada di bumi ini sebab semua ciptaan-Nya fana termasuk manusia yang membutuhkan pemulihan dari-Nya.
Bagaimana kita mewujudkan kasih kita kepada Tuhan Yesus?
- Dengan menghargai Perjamuan Tuhan sebab dengan makan roti dan minum dari cawan kita memberitakan kematian-Nya hingga Ia datang.
- Dengan menghargai kurban Kristus, kita dimampukan untuk mengampuni sesama sebab kasih itu menutupi segala dosa dan kasih itu mempersatukan.
- Dengan melakukan perintah Firman-Nya (Yoh. 14:21).
Waspada, kasih manusia makin dingin karena makin bertambahnya kedurhakaan di akhir zaman ini (Mat. 24:12). Kita masih masuk ke luar gereja tetapi masihkah kita mencintai Firman yang disampaikan? Atau kita malah sibuk main HP bahkan ketiduran sementara pengkhotbah bersemangat memberitakan Firman? Ingat, bukan pendeta yang menyelamatkan tetapi keselamatan ditentukan oleh iman dan kasih kita kepada-Nya. Itu sebabnya Yesus menegaskan siapa bertahan (kasihnya tidak dingin) sampai pada kesudahannya akan selamat (Mat. 24:13). Tuhan menegur keras jemaat Efesus yang jatuh begitu dalam sebab telah meninggalkan kasih mula-mula. Jika mereka tidak bertobat, Ia akan mengambil kaki dian mereka dari tempatnya (Why. 2:4-5).
 Pengharapan. Pendeta lebih sering berbicara mengenai iman dan kasih namun jarang menyinggung tentang pengharapan, tanpa disadari mereka tidak mengharapkan Tuhan datang. Sesungguhnya, pengharapan yang belum terlihat (ada di Surga) berkaitan erat dengan Injil yang benar (Kol. 1:5). Dengan kata lain, jika Injilnya salah (injil kemakmuran dll.), pengharapannya pun akan menyimpang tidak lagi menantikan kedatangan Tuhan.
Telah dijelaskan bahwa pengharapan berkaitan dengan Injil. Injil yang mana? Itulah Injil tentang Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah (Mrk. 1:1). Bukankah sekarang muncul banyak Injil tanpa Yesus?
Rasul Paulus yang menulis Surat Kolose, Efesus, Filemon dll. mempertahankan pemberitaan Injil Kristus (Rm. 15:19). Ketika dia melihat Rasul Petrus bersikap munafik tidak sesuai dengan kebenaran Injil, dia menegur Petrus dengan keras di hadapan orang banyak (Gal. 2:11-14).
Aplikasi: marilah kita belajar untuk menyatu tanpa membeda-bedakan ras dan etnis. Pemimpin rohani harus menyampaikan Injil kebenaran karena khotbahnya dapat memengaruhi iman jemaat. Contoh: jemaat Korintus sudah dipertunangkan dengan Kristus sebagai satu-satunya Mempelai Pria Surga tetapi pikiran mereka disesatkan sehingga menerima Yesus yang lain, roh yang lain dan injil yang lain daripada yang telah diberitakan oleh Paulus (2 Kor. 11:2-4).
Pengharapan orang Yahudi (juga kita) ialah adanya kebangkitan orang mati. Ketika Rasul Paulus ditangkap dan diborgol, dia mengatakan kepada raja Agripa (pemerintah) bahwa dia ditangkap karena memberitakan Allah sanggup membangkitkan orang mati seperti telah dijanjikan-Nya kepada nenek moyang orang Yahudi yang sudah meninggal (Kis. 26:4-8). Pengharapan mereka ialah semua orang mati (yang benar atau berdosa) akan bangkit pada hari kiamat.
Apakah kita juga berpengharapan akan kedatangan-Nya kembali dan dibangkitkan untuk kelak berdiam bersama-Nya di Yerusalem baru?
Sebenarnya iman, kasih dan pengharapan ditujukan kepada bangsa Yahudi tetapi oleh kasih karunia Tuhan, kita, bangsa kafir juga dianugerahi iman, pengharapan dan kasih yang tak berkesudahan. Sungguh kita patut bersyukur telah diselamatkan oleh pengurbanan Yesus disalib yang memungkinkan kita hidup berpengharapan untuk bersatu dengan-Nya oleh sebab kita mengasihi-Nya. Amin.