By Lay Pastor Jusak Pundiono
Lemah Putro, Sunday, October 21, 2018


How has it been going so far? Has it been all sunshine and roses since you became a Christian? Have you been tempted by the world along the way? Have you received God’s grace to guide you until the day when the Lord Jesus returns?
When it comes to traveling, particularly out of town and up in the mountains, we come across many traffic signs that warn us to be alert when the road goes up or down the hill, winds, turns, etc. It requires more attention, especially when traveling in a remote area with poor street lighting. A local driver is familiar with the driving conditions in that area and knows how to reach the destination safe and sound. Yet, alertness is indispensable.
In the same way, in following Jesus, we need to stay alert along the way. Being a new man in Christ is the outset leading to the next steps that require alertness in the light of God. This applies to new and old Christians alike.
How do we stay alert in the light of God?
 By filtering what we hear (Ephesians 5: 6-7).
“Let no one deceive you with empty words (Greek: logos), for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them.”
We must sift every word (logos) we hear during the sermon from the pulpit and on social media, including live streaming. That way, we can stay alert to false teachings. The truth is that some preachers present the kingdom of the world with scriptural references focusing on prosperity and material blessings instead of the kingdom of God (cf. Ephesians 5: 5). Didn’t the devil tempt Jesus in regard to the world and its splendor (Matthew 4: 8)?
If the logoi (plural of logos) have nothing to do with the kingdom of God, those logoi are nothing else than “hoaxes” featuring the kingdom of the world – the devil’s property. With this in mind, we must stay on guard and filterate the flourishing words preached from the pulpits and the doctrines targeted at kids and youths. Unless we stay watchful and sift those fake logoi, we will quickly get snared and misled.
We must also watch out for logoi (words) that have nothing to do with Jesus Christ who sacrificed Himself as a sweet-smelling offering for God (Ephesians 5: 2).
Let’s take a look at the Tabernacle blueprint. Once we walk through the gate, we will find ourselves in the Courtyard and see the Altar of Burnt Offering ahead. In our understanding, we take the Altar of
Burnt Offering for repentance. But repentance should proceed to total submission to God as a sweet-smelling offering like what Jesus did.
When preaching, preachers should choose their words with care even if they base their remarks on Scripture. Their words should encourage the listeners (after their repentance) to offer their lives to God on the offering of Jesus! This way, they will not get influenced by other logoi leading them to worldly activities that seemingly take on church ministries.
In fact, God desires the offering of our lives instead of our money and thoughts. Didn’t Christ offer His entire body for us? At the animal sacrifice ritual, the animal was burnt up on the Altar of Burnt Offering. Likewise, we are required to offer our bodies as living sacrifices marked with sufferings. If we do not suffer when we offer something for the ministry, we should ask ourselves if our offering pleases God. Jesus is our model!
Guard yourself against fake logoi claimed to proclaim God’s works. Even grounded on scriptural verses, these logoi simply refer to the kingdom of the world and the welfare of the flesh! We must discern what we hear and read. Make sure that these hoax logoi do not overshadow the logos of God that has caught amd processed us to be new men. Thanks to this process, we may become members of the body, growing up into Him who is the Head (Ephesians 4). This way, we will not leave the power of the Creator who is working on our lives!
Deception with empty words bring God’s wrath upon the disobedient (Ephesians 5: 6b). Examples of fake logoi: Miryam’s and Aaron’s statements concerning Moses (Numbers 12); the report of the 12 spies (Numbers 13); Korah’s, Datan’s and Abiram’s words provocating thousands of Israelites in the midst of the gathering while the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire guided them day and night (Numbers 16).
Also, some prophets and dreamers seemingly deliver the Word of God, but, in fact, they proclaim “other gods” from the kingdom of the corruptible world and “another christ” that does not energize people to offer their lives by sacrificing like what Jesus did (Deuteronomy 13: 1-5; Jeremiah 23: 26).
The question is: How sensitive are we to such fake logoi? How should we react to hoaxes over WhatsApp? Let’s fill our lives with the logos of God (from Genesis to Revelation). Let’s keep our ears open to the logoi that stimulate us to offer our lives and possessions on the offering of Christ. But let’s close our ears to logoi characterized by disobedience.
The Word of God firmly says,”Do not be partakers with them” (Ephesians 5: 7). Why? Because hearing empty logoi gets us to have fellowship and even compromise with them.
 By selecting every decision (Ephesians 5: 8-10)
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light (Greek: photos) in the Lord. Walk as children of light” (v. 8).
“Photos” is closely related to God’s Logos who is God Himself who later became a man. He is the powerful Logos. He did not make use of His power to bring glory to Himself, but rather to save maried lives from fornication, businesses from corrupt things and many others.
Light (Hebrews: or) was created by God on the first day (Genesis 1: 3) while light (Greek: photos) is man’s source of life (John 1: 4). Did God create the wrong thing? Light was created on the first day, vegetation on the third day and light matters (the sun, moon and stars) on the fourth day. Doesn’t vegetation need sunlight to live and grow? The reality is that light (or) created on the first day is the source of life. So, we will live if we come to the light of God (photos) by worshipping Him, and reading the Word of God.
We will live in devine light (photos) if we are filled with the Word of God (logos). Divine light (photos) is made visible by the fruit of life: goodness, righteousness and truth (Ephesians 5: 9) – one fruit with three different flavors (three in one). Therefore, be selective when making a decision in every aspect. Make sure that the decision results in goodness, righteousness and truth. On top of that, make sure that every ministry is in the light of God (photos).
Life is a matter of choice. We must be able to discern / select (Ephesians 5: 10) in line with God’s logos engraved in tablets of our hearts. The Holy Spirit becomes photos helping us to choose and bear goodness, righteousness and truth.
Discern what pleases God with the spotlight of God’s logos. This helps when it comes to setting priorities: serving the Kingdom of Christ and God or the kingdom of the world and the devil; self-offering on the Altar of Burnt Offering or on the altar of wordly pleasures.
We shoud ask ourselves if our ministries dim the photos (light) of God due to our grumbles or brighten His photos because of our joy. The photos (light) of the Word that overwhelms our hearts gives us life (John 1: 4-5). Get ready for the upcoming ministries. Let the photos of God give us life. Moreover, let the photos that we display bring praise to the offering of Christ and glory to Him.
 By exposing all that is hidden (Ephesians 5: 11-14)
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” (v.11).
We hear and read the logos of God day by day. And the Holy Spirit engraves it in the tablets of our hearts. This gives out photos (light) with enormous intensity that empowers us to be sensitive to anything hidden in ourselves. Doesn’t light shine on darkness? In this case, we not only selectively filter out actions and companionship but also quietly stay at the feet of the Lord when the night falls like what David did. In moments like these, our conscience is our teacher.
The photos (light) of God will give explaination, give light and reveal all hidden things only if we want to come to Him as we are. At that very moment, His blood will sanctify us and everything will become clear and bright.
We should give light to each other. When we see something wrong, we should expose it without arousing resentment. In so doing, we may keep walking in the photos and logos of God. This practice should be customary in the Bride Tidings churches.
“For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.”
Furthermore, we will not quickly make mention of anyone’s fault, let alone gossip about it, if the Holy Spirit takes control of our tongues. As we know, no one is perfect. Everyone has a good and bad side.
We should guard ourselves so that we will not get involved in evil practices (in marriage, friendship and business) that bring us disgrace and dishonor – an awful profile. Even if your profile is messed up, do not harden your heart. Come to the logos of God without delay and obtain His light. He will help you restore your damaged profile.
“But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light” (v. 13).
We must be able to independently expose anything hidden in ourselves. There are times when we do not realize we committed sin in the past. Then, all of a sudden, what we did in the past is exposed as sin. The logos of God engraved in the tablets of our hearts makes us sensitive to sin.
The same logos empowers us to sift, select and manifest any camouflaged sins. Following this up, we should come to God right away, asking for His forgiveness and restoration.
“Therefore He says: ‘Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light” (v.14).
We should have the will to awake when we are down due to our disgraceful actions and awfully flawed profiles. The power of the Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead also raises our curruptible bodies. That way, we will stay tough when doing ministry.
The photos (light) of the logos shines on our lives, making our corruptible bodies strong. The Holy Spirit within us continuously strengthens us along the way to the City of Light, the New Jerusalem, that we are all looking forward to (Revelation 21: 23-27). Amen.