• PSALM 4
  • Lemah Putro
  • 2022-07-24
  • Pdm. Setio Dharma Kusuma
  • https://www.gkga-sby.org/mobile/index.php/ibadah-umum/1241-relief-in-distress
  • Video Ibadah: KLIK DISINI


Have we ever experienced that although we had followed and served God earnestly, what we received was only insult? We did what was good for God but people around us and even the church community despised our works, talked behind our back and made us an object of ridicule until we came to a point where we couldn’t stand it any longer then decided to go to another church. It might give us a relief, but was it really a good solution?

King David also had a time of trouble. What did he do? He wrote a psalm which Bible scholars gave a title “Prayer at Night” accompanied by stringed instruments (Psalm 4). While David found relief in his distress, can we also do the same? Who can share David’s relief?

  • Those who are justified by God (Psalm 4:1).
    “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer.”

When David prayed to the Lord, he did not talk about his righteousness because he realized that no righteousness sprang from himself. Rather, he emphasized that it was God who justified him.

How can we be justified by God? We are saved and justified by believing in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:8) who sacrificed Himself to die for us.

Do we think that having faith is already enough? Matthew 7:16 wrote “You will know them by their fruits.” It shows us that faith must be followed by deeds or works (James 2:17). It is true that truth is not from us but a man is justified by their deeds not by faith alone (v. 24). In other words, truth comes from Christ by faith that bears fruit. What kind of fruit (deeds) which God asks from us? It is doing the will of the Heavenly Father (Matthew 7:21).

Introspection: When we are in distress, try to check ourselves whether we have faith in God and we have really done His will as a manifestation of the act of faith.

In the teaching of the Tabernacle, we learnt:

The Gate → Jesus is the only way of salvation. He is the Savior in whom we have faith.

The Altar of Burnt Offering → Jesus is the perfect sacrifice for the remission of sins.

The Door of the Tabernacle → the infilling of the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Place there are 3 objects:

The Gold Lampstand → our life being the light as the witness of Christ.

The Table of Show Bread → a fellowship with Jesus in His word.

The Altar of Incense → a fellowship with Jesus in prayer.

We also learnt that these three objects represent three kinds of church service, namely Sunday Service (the Gold Lampstand), Bible Study Service (the Table of Showbread) and Prayer Service (the Altar of Incense). Now the question is where is the act of faith? Is it bound within these three church services?

It is not wrong to interpret the three objects of the Tabernacle as three kinds of church service. However, when we have faith in Christ and acknowledge Him as the only Savior, we must have the urge to always have the Savior in our mind anytime without being limited by three kinds of church service. Testimony: A young non-Christian lady watched Passion of Christ, a film about the death of Jesus. Having seen Jesus healing the ear of a soldier that was previously cut off by one of His disciples although He knew that soldier was there to capture and crucify Him, her heart was so touched that she became silent and shed tears. She also knew that Jesus was innocent yet He was willing to endure agonizing pain to death to bear others’ wrongdoings. Because she was moved to know deeper of Jesus, she then bought a book about Him. In the end, she confessed to her non-Christian family that she wanted to become a Christian. As a result, they became furious and rejected her. Here we can see one of the many ways God calls someone to know Him. She was then used by God in various ways. While still wearing a hijab, she sang Christian songs and put up a Christmas tree at Christmas.

Who prompted this lady to believe in Jesus? According to Ephesians 1:13, when she heard the gospel of salvation and believed (the Gate), she was immediately sealed with the Holy Spirit. Obviously there was a role of the Holy Spirit to make her believe in God. How about the Door of the Tabernacle that depicts the role of the Holy Spirit? Considering this, we should not compartmentalize the truth because it can lead us to judging others that they are still in the court of the Tabernacle while we are already in the Holy Place because we attend three church services. Hasn't the Holy Spirit played the role since at the Gate when people believed in Jesus?

This lady gave herself to be baptized, meaning she declared her repentance at the Brazen Laver (one of the objects of the Tabernacle at the court). She evidently carried out the acts of faith.

From this we see that the act of faith can be carried out in everyday life so that its fruit can be seen by others. The three objects in the Holy Place must bear fruit – having fellowship with God's Word by reading the Bible every day, longing to be the light and living a prayerful life. The conclusion is the acts of faith cannot be compartmentalized or bound in just three kinds of church service.

  • Those who are chosen by God (Psalm 4:3).
    “But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself him who is godly; The Lord will hear when I call to Him.”

Speaking of election, there must be a separation. For example: When Aaron of the tribe of Levi was chosen by God to be the high priest for the nation of Israel, God treated the tribe of Levi differently from the other 11 tribes. This tribe did not share the inheritance with the Israelites (Deuteronomy 18:1). This means that the Levites were separated from the rest of the tribes.

Do you believe that you are chosen by God? God's purpose in choosing us is that we bear fruit, so that what we ask the Father in His Name will be given to us (John 15:16). This verse echoes Psalm 4:3.

It is true that we are still living in this world yet we have certainly been chosen or separated from the world. The chosen people are also those who God justifies (Romans 8:29-30). Thus being elected means ready to be separated. Separated from what? From the ridicule and lies that make us in distress as experienced by King David. We have seriously done our ministry, but people ridicule us and even spread gossip. That could make us in distress.

Why is distress associated with ministry? Psalm 4:2 says, “How long, O you sons of men, Will you turn my glory to shame?”

Our glory does not come from our intelligence or wealth because many people outside God are much richer and smarter. We as believers are glorified when we are made worthy to serve God. Who are those who try to tarnish our glory? It could be people who have influence or power, or outsiders etc. When we have done the right thing, have communicated correctly, they still can't accept it. It could result in a separation. When that happens, we don't need to have long argument to defend ourselves. Instead, we just need to show the fruit, which is certainly not because of our strength and valor but because of God’s help.

How can a person who is loved, justified and chosen by God be allowed to experience such distress? Mark 8:34 says everyone who wants to follow Him must deny himself and take up his cross daily.

Why do we have to take up our cross every day? Because we are still living in the flesh that has many insatiable desires. Therefore, never set your mind to pursue worldly desires; rather prepare yourself to be found a fruitful person at the Lord's coming so that you are worthy to enter the marriage of the Lamb.

King David warned us that we may be angry but should not sin (v. 4). Husband and wife may have different opinions or fights but it should not cause to divorce. Children must not disobey and fight against their parents. Be careful, being in an outburst of anger can potentially give the devil an opportunity to enter us (Ephesians 4:26-27). It often happens that an outburst of anger gets the best of someone that results in his being out of control and even murder.

  • Those who offer righteous sacrifices and believe in God (Psalm 4:5).

King David did not have a chance to enjoy the Temple of God because he died before it was built. However, before he died he prepared all the building materials for his son Solomon to build it. He was not permitted by God to build the Temple because he had shed much blood (1 Chronicles 22:7-8). Thus, offering a righteous sacrifice speaks more about the concept of the Tabernacle of Moses rather than the Temple of God in the time of Solomon.

The righteous sacrifice in the Tabernacle was the offering of a calf without blemish as a sin offering (Leviticus 4:3) and this sacrifice was fulfilled in Christ who brought His own blood (Hebrews 9:11-14).

Application: We should always relate ourselves with the sacrifice of Christ which is able to purify our conscience from works that lead to death so that we can minister (latreuo = serve) to the living God (Hebrews 9:14).

The Apostle Paul exhorted us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice because this is the true worship (latreia = service = ministry) (Romans 12:1).

The proof that our lives are related to Christ's sacrifice is that we willingly offer our bodies as a holy sacrifice. What action should we take? We must dare to be different, no longer be conformed to this world through the renewal of our minds so that we know God's will, which is good and pleasing to Him (Romans 12:2).

Have a confidence that we were chosen by God and justified by Him to produce works of faith as the fruit of repentance. By experiencing a renewal of mind and presenting our bodies as a sacrifice that is righteous and acceptable to Him, we will surely find relief in our distress and joy beyond material wealth. Amen.