• Lemah Putro
  • 2021-12-25
  • Rev. Paulus Budiono
  • https://www.gkga-sby.org/mobile/index.php/ibadah-umum/1089-the-son-of-man-who-sacrificed-for-mankind
  • Video Ibadah: KLIK DISINI


Do you know that the song “ Joy to the World” is like the song of the first choir of the great multitude of the heavenly army, proclaiming the birth of the Savior to the shepherds who were guarding their flocks at night (cf. Luke 2:8-11) while people were sleeping and resting ? You can imagine how surprised they were to hear the sound of thunder in the midst of the eerie silence of the night when they were on guard, against the emergence of wild animals ready to prey on their sheep; like the ambience of a church service broken by the deafening blaring news that shouted "Glory be to God in the Highest." Of course the shepherds were shocked, confused by what they heard. Therefore, they immediately got up to go to Bethlehem to see what was happening there as the Lord had told them.

Application: We celebrate Christmas not only in silent serenity to remember the birth of Baby Jesus but also to give great news to all nations of the world to hear.

From the beginning of 2021 we have been studying the Gospel of Luke from chapter 1 until the end of this year we have come to chapter 17. Like a kaleidoscope explaining a continuous series of events, we will meditate on the review of the Gospel of Luke before leaving 2021 as follows:

  • The coming of Christ, the Lord, as Savior for all nations (Luke 2).

We must know in advance the meaning of safety according to its purpose, for example: safe in basic needs, safe from bankruptcy, safe from being fired from an established/steady position, safe from calamities and accidents and so on. Are we following the Savior who came into the world to be saved from all these frightening events? Notice, the coming of Jesus (Joshua = God who saves) to the world has long been prophesied in the Old Testament and had become a reality heard by the shepherds. This news was very important for the Israelites who were in need of salvation because they were living under the colonialism. Was this the purpose of Jesus' coming for them? And for us today? If our faith is only focused on the Baby Jesus born in the manger, we will face the threat and harassment of massacre as the Baby Jesus was faced with the cruel Herod. Although He is the Savior, at that time He was still small and could not save us. After all, God has His own way of protecting the Son who was born – the Word became Man – to be fulfilled as the Savior that the world needs.

Introspection: To what extent is our faith in Jesus, the Savior? If we only believe in the baby Jesus who was born in a manger, our faith will be easily shaken when faced with threats. If the angels had not informed the Magi and Joseph, the father of Jesus, the name Savior might have just been a term and a saying. Therefore, we should know Jesus more and our faith will grow towards spiritual maturity like Jesus as a Human being grew up and has a mission as the Savior of the world.

  • The temptations that Jesus experienced in the wilderness (Luke 4).

Jesus who was an adult (± 30 years) faced temptations but was always marked with victories.

What temptations did He experience? The devil said to Jesus, "If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread." (v. 3). Jesus was tempted regarding staple food.

Up until now, the Devil is still roaming around. His cunning ways of lying to men have never changed. Beginning in the Garden of Eden, Devil with his seductions made the first men disobey God's command (Genesis 3). The same devil tempted Jesus; even though, he knew that Jesus was the Son of God (cf. Matthew 8:29). The devil also knows we are God's children because we believe in Jesus' name (John 1:12). So don't be surprised if the Devil tries to tempt us anywhere and anytime. Remember, trials and temptations come from the power of darkness. We should know that we have power and abilities that come from God and that we are tempted to void our eternal salvation.

Faced with the temptation of staple food, Jesus answered, "It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone." “It is written” refers to the Word of God.

Introspection: How much have we consumed the Word of God so far? In fact, Jesus is not just a Savior for food and clothing. It is true that during the famine Elijah was cared for by God but this was not the main purpose of Jesus coming to earth. He emphasized that man live not only by physical food but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Honestly, don't we often spend time on physical things that we don't have time to listen and meditate on God's Word?

Then Satan tempted Jesus, that all the glory and greatness of the kingdom of the world would be given to Him as long as He would worship Satan. What is His answer? "It is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only."

On another occasion, Jesus confirmed determinedly to the Samaritan woman to worship the Father in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). We should only worship God and serve Him. Notice, if our worship is mixed with worldly interests we will lose our lives. What is the benefit of gaining the whole world but losing our life (Luke 9:24-25)?

Jesus also triumphed facing Satan's temptation to tell Him to fall from the pinnacle of the Temple to prove Himself to be the Son of God.

Application: We must proclaim the Savior who has not yet been known to all nations in this world. Isn't it the result of not knowing Jesus, many young people become desperate and commit suicide by jumping from a high place downward. Do not succumb to the temptation of Satan who uses God's Word to cause many Christians to fall! Don't manipulate the Bible verses for personal gain! Be careful, we must not trifle with the Holy Spirit who lives in us because we are the temples of God (1 Corinthians 6:19).

Victory after victory in everyday life brought Jesus to the real purpose of why He came to the world. The need for food and clothing is no longer important to Him; however, were not the Israelites also taken care of by Manna that came down from Heaven for their survival in the desert (Exodus 16)?

  • In His ministry, Jesus performed miracles of healing and exorcism and had the power of Example: He forgave the woman who committed adultery (John 8:11), forgave the paralytic (Matthew 9:2) etc. which made the Pharisees, scribes and chief priests displeased because they believed that only God who had the power to forgive.

Who is the real Savior? He is God (Isaiah 45:21-22) who became the Man Jesus, to save sinners (John 3:17). We should know Jesus more and more who is Lord and Christ. But the fact is that not everyone believes that Jesus is the Savior.

It turns out that the important points did not lie in the birth of Jesus and His maturity even though He has the power to perform many miracles. What's that?

  • The Confession that Jesus is the Messiah/Christ and Son of God (Luke 22:66-71).

The angel had told that a Savior would be born, namely Christ/Messiah, Lord, in the city of David (Luke 2:11). Jesus was indeed born in Bethlehem and as an adult, (± 30 years) He demonstrated the power He had until the end of His life. The chief priests, scribes brought Him before the Supreme Court and urged Him to acknowledge whether He was the Messiah/Christ and the Son of God. His confession angered them and, therefore, crucified Him.

Application: We should long for our faith to increase from childish faith to full-grown faith that does not stop only in admiring miracles but acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah.

Actually, it is very easy for God to save sinners but He sent Jesus – the Word – to become Man (without sin) to save sinners. When Jesus died, the captain of the army acknowledged that Jesus was the Son of God (Matthew 27:54). After that Jesus was buried and it seemed all hope was lost, until three days later the women were surprised to find Jesus' tomb empty. They were told that Jesus had risen (Luke 24:5).

Jesus then appeared to all the disciples and instructed them to preach repentance and forgiveness to all nations (Luke 24:44-49). On the day of Pentecost, Peter who was initially a coward became brave because he was filled with the Holy Spirit and loudly proclaimed that Jesus who died on the cross became Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36).

Application: We are now witnesses of Christ and have the duty to actively proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations. Do not be ashamed to witness or testify that Jesus is the Savior! He is no longer a baby born 2,000 years ago witnessed by shepherds, instead, He will come again as the Heavenly Bridegroom.

Let us celebrate Christmas not just to commemorate the birth of the Baby Jesus but to witness Him as the Savior who provides forgiveness of sins so that people can repent and obtain eternal salvation from Him. We believe that Jesus (Son of Man) died and rose to become Christ and Lord. He is now seated at the right hand of Heavenly Father and will come back to pick up us, mankind, and make us His bride, to be with Him in His Kingdom forever. Amen.