John 16:1-18

By Lay Pastor Besar Hartono

Lemah Putro, Sunday, September 27, 2020



It is truly a great joy if we still have the oppurtunity to worship and praise God, and to listen to the Word of God. The Holy Spirit leads us into righteousness every day and casts out all the defiant spirits so that we can live orderly under His guidance.

Illustration: For mountain climbers, besides proper equipment and nutritious food, a strong physical and mental readiness is very important so that they can successfully reach the peak of the mountain. Of course, this team must set their eyes onto the mountain top while walking through the slopes and valley (the shadow of the death) on their right and left side. Unable to withstand Jesus’ harsh words, many of His disciples forsake Him (John 6:66). Only the twelve disciples stayed. They were like a team recruited by the Great Teacher to reach the peak of Golgotha without looking back at the world filled with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life ( 1 John 2:16).

How is the process of the recruitment of the disciples and the followers of Jesus?

  • The chosen eyewitness must be ready to be expelled, persecuted and killed.

"... You will be expelled from the synagogues, and the time will come when anyone who kills you will think that by doing this he is serving God. People will do these things to you because they have not known either the Father or me...” (John 16:1-4).

Apparently to become the chosen disciples and followers of Jesus is not as easy as our imagination. They must “pay the price” both physically and mentally. This team (Jesus’ disciples) was formed from various background to subdue the darkness of the world. Pitifully, Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, took his own way.

It is clear that God wants to save and release men from the grasp of sins. Without His help, nobody is free from death. Hence, the project of God must be done. Undeniably, in carrying out God’s work and commands, the eleven disciples were filled with doubt and fear, and one of them even disowned his Teacher – the Word. However, although they staggered to reach “the top of the mountain”, they had been appointed by their Teacher to be the living witnesses of God’s top agape love shown on Golgotha where Jesus died to give birth to the church to take man back according to God’s will.

Application: In these recent months God has given us wisdom to face the Covid-19 pandemic which has adversely affected most aspects of life including health, finance/economy, social life, etc., and we don’t know when it will be over. Because of it, some of us grieved the death of their loved ones. Nevertheless, we must keep our eyes on one name that is Jesus Christ. Keep climbing up “the mountain” with our remaining strength in following Jesus! Remember, the purity of our faith must be tested (1 Peter 1:7).

The disciples who used to live with their Teacher became sad learning that He would go (John 16:4b-7). The news dampened their faith.

Application: In this tough situation and condition, we are like a ship tossed back and fro on the ocean. We can do nothing, but to hold fast to the promised Comforter who will strengthen and guide us forever.

In the Old Testament God came to men through the repressive Law “… you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth …” (Exodus 21:23-24), so the disobedient one was to be executed. Example: At the time of Noah, God punished all the wicked men with the flood (Genesis 7). But in the New Testament age, it was different. He didn’t apply repressive law anymore; instead, He persuasively approached men offering them to believe in Him (John 3:16) and in His effort to redeem the rebellious men who were indulged in the lust of their flesh, their eyes and their pride of life.

As the eyewitnesses of what had happened on Golgotha, the chosen disciples were sanctified continously. They were cleansed by the word of God so that they could bring the enlightenment to people about God’s purpose and plan that is to spare the life of those who deserved to be perished and to make them His belonging forever.

The world hates us because they don’t know God the Father and Jesus. Their lives are controlled by the ruler of this world.

  • The eyewitness receives the promise of the Spirit of righteousness.

After being chosen and sanctified, Jesus’disciples were equipped with the Almighty God’s power which was the Holy Spirit, to carry out the matters of eternity; otherwise, there was a possibility that they would turn back to the world as Judas Iscariot did.

Application: The Lord will make sure that everyone who believes in Him be equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit so that they would focus their eyes on the right direction, to prevent them from looking back, setting back and even turning away from the right path when struck by the shaking world and heaven (Hebrews 12:25-27).

What is the duty of the Spirit of righteousness? To convert the world from sins and to lead us into the whole righteousness (John 16:8-13).

The disicples were carrying out a special duty and none of them were able to bear it without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Rather than demanding a full stomach, we should ask for the Holy Spirit so that we can be fruitful in this world that is lacking of the truth and tends to isolate us.

How about our marriage and household? Do husband and wife still follow the online-worship faithfully? Do our children live in righteousness and fear of God? Parents who are filled with the Holy Spirit will always remind their family members to live in God’s righteousness. Before we try to convert our family and friend from their careless lives, we should put our household in good order first. The fact is, many Christian households don’t bear any fruit because they let “the parasite” destroy their “branches”. Remember, the Word of God is powerful to fix and cleanse our dirty mind, our will and feeling, hence we can be fruitful. Do we want to serve Him under the guidance of the Holy Spirit until His second coming? Our tasks are not easy; that’s why we really need the Spirit of righteousness, not the spirit of justification. We must become the witnesses for the salvation of other people. Having been His belonging, let’s not be selfishly content with our own salvation. We receive the Spirit of righteousness to emit that righteousness to our family, our friends at school, office, and our society as well. That way, the world can see the clear-cut contrast of people who are filled with the Holy Spirit through the way they think, speak and act.

  • The leader of the rigthteous is the Spirit of righteousness.

Pay attention, a city without wise leaders will end up in ruin (Proverbs 11:14); unless the Holy Spirit leads us, we will become wild and vicious – our mind, emotion and will are prone to worldly matters only.

The Holy Spirit who is also the Spirit of righteousness will guide our way while we are waiting for the coming of Jesus who was crucified, died, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven, as our Head and Heavenly Bridegroom. As the believers who are steadfast bearing the cross and filled with the Holy Spirit, we will be enabled to win out over all problems (poverty, loathing, enmity, etc.).

Admittedly, challenging obstacles and hazards often cause many mountain climbers to fail to reach the top. The Covid-19 pandemic that is currently shaking the world should become the opportunity for us to step into the ark of salvation which was made with tears, labor and money, and by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s gladly receive the word of sanctification and the Spirit of righteousness so that we can successfully arrive at Mount of Sinai and New Jerusalem where God reigns (Isaiah 24:23). He will pick us up who have endured the cross. Eventhough the cross is painful, the power of His healing gives new strength and new spirit. By the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the grief turns into full of joy as He comforts us from inside – our heart. Let the Holy Spirit lead us wherever we are so that His power will make known to us everything that tries to distract our attention from God. Thus, we can work for the eternal life. If the vine is true, the fruits that come out from its branches will also be true for He leads us with the power of righteousness from God the Highest. Amen.


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