By Pastor Paulus Budiono

Lemah Putro, Sunday, March 15, 2020



We have sung the songs in full adoration to God that give us the zeal and hope in the midst of pandemic threat of Corona virus that is attacking all over the world nowadays. Pitifully, not all people know Him and acknowledge His power.

How about Nicodemus? Did this old man know the young-man Jesus? What did they talk about in the middle of the night? John 3:1-2 write, “There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him."

What an impressive attitude, Nicodemus who was older than Jesus, yet honoured Him. Surely, it was not easy for an experienced old-man (a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews) to come to a 30 year-old carpenter (not an arguer).

Regarding to the statement of Nicodemus above, commonly, when being praised, people will be proud but Jesus’ response was different. He answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

As a leader/senior teacher of the Jews, Nicodemus was confused with Jesus’ answer that was contrary to his knowledge. As a leader, of course he believed about the Kingdom of Heaven but he didn’t understand about new born case. Nicodemus’ question “Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?" indicated that he did believe about reincarnation. Indeed, there were Jews who believed in reincarnation, example: when Jesus asked His disciples who The Son of Man is, some say Elijah, others say Jeremiah or one of the prophets (Matthew 16:13-14). In this case, Jesus was eliminating the doctrine of reincarnation.

The dialog between Jesus and Nicodemus made him have a new mind-set. Jesus gave the requirements to see/ enter the Kingdom of Heaven, as below:
Newly born by water and Spirit »»» water baptism
Jesus stressed to Nicodemus about being reborn (John 3:7-8) but he doubted it (v.9) because he only relied on his IQ, experiences and the doctrine of his belief.

Do we not also often doubt about the truth of the Word of God which is delivered by pastor? Pay attention, many questions will bring us closer to God or even reject Him.

Actually, entering the Kingdom of Heaven is not easy or hard, either. But, there are only two choices: to see the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of the World! The issue is, do we believe that Bible (including the gospel of John) is the Word of God, not merely as a masterpiece of 40 writers or something, which were inspired by the Holy Spirit? In other words, it is impossible to enter the Kingdom of Heaven for those who disbelieve His Word. Fortunately, the old Nicodemus didn’t reject what Jesus had said, yet he still asked and Jesus confirmed that he must be reborn by water and Spirit.

Why does Jesus speak about the Kingdom of Heaven whereas we are still in the Kingdom of the world? When the Israelites were enslaved by the Romans emperor, they wanted to establish the kingdom of Israel and hoped Jesus would become their king (Acts 1:6; John 6:14-15). Why? Because they were obsessed of once having a magnificent kingdom of Israel. Since 1948, the country of Israel was established and its flag is the star of David. They rejoiced, being proud, and tried to avoid any threat. Their desire is that their country will become greater and sturdier.

It is not easy to change/convert the citizenship. We need to adapt with the new environment and also to obey the law in force in that country. Also, we need to learn its language so we are able to communicate with the local people.

Introspection: have we been born again as a citizen of Heavenly Kingdom? Do other people see the differences of our ‘language’? This world has 197 kingdoms/countries with various cultures, languages, ethnics, etc., but the Heavenly Kingdom only has one, that is the language of unity.

Why did Jesus ask the old Nicodemus to be born again? To move from this unstable worldly kingdom (in politic, social, economic, etc.) to Heavenly Kingdom that is full of everlasting peace and joy. Eventhough we have countless of money, but in facing the attacking of COVID-19 nowadays, how can we protect ourselves? Therefore, Jesus promoted the Kingdom of Heaven eagerly, not only to the old people who have the possibility of shorter life, but also to the young people and even to the children. Jesus told Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here."

We are proud as citizens of Indonesia, moreover as citizens of Heaven, who are wiser and more powerful, and of course it will not be in contrary with the kingdom of this world. The earth, where we live now, has ever been perished by flood and now is ready to be burnt by fire on the day of judgement and the perishing of the wicked ( 2 Peter 3:3-7). Remember, the Lord never fails to fulfil His promise. If the judgement has not taken place yet, it is because of His patience and He wants none of us to perish, instead that all people return to Him and repent (vv.8-9). Peter wrote this letter at his old age before he died as martyr and he did believe that this world will be destroyed by the flame of fire and fade away (vv. 10-12)

Luckily, the old Nicodemus didn’t reject and leave Jesus. His meeting and conversation with Jesus gave him a new paradigm about his old theology. Jesus offered him (us, too) to move from the kingdom of the world to the kingdom of heaven (cf. Colossians 1:13-14; 1 Peter 2:9-10), hence we live in the safe and protectable place, unperishable and have beautiful hope, that is new heaven and earth which contains righteousness (v.13).

Cast away all the habits which displeased God because they make us lose the Kingdom of Heaven. What kind of deeds that cause us not to inherit the Heavenly Kingdom? Remember no fornicators, no idolaters, no adulterers, no effeminate, no homosexuals, no thieves, no covetous, no drunkards, no revilers, no swindlers can enter the heavenly Kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
If someone wants to change his citizenship in a certain country, there are certain procedures. The authority will survey the background of this man in a certain time and then decide whether his

application can be approved or rejected. It is also applied to be the citizen of Heavenly Kingdom. We can’t belittle it although Jesus – at the moment of crucifixion – gave a shortcut way to the criminal beside Him to live in Paradise with Him (Luke 23:43).

The most important is as long as we live, we must cast away all the fleshly deeds which are contrary to the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-23). And it depends on our eagerness and willingness to be transformed and also on our belief in Jesus and His sacrifice?

Furthermore, Jesus said to Nicodemus, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, "that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:14-15)

The Israelites did a fatal mistake. They grumbled because of Manna. The result was many of them died, bitten by the serpents (Numbers 21:4-6). Eventually, they confessed their sin to the Lord and Moses, and then the Lord ordered Moses to make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole; everyone who looked on it would live (vv. 7-9). Be alert whether we are bored of the Living Bread or not (John 6:35, 40).

Introspection: what is the language used in Heavenly Kingdom? The worldly or the Heavenly language? How can we communicate with Jesus – the Word – in the Kingdom of Heaven properly while we live in this world, we already get bored of listening to and reading His Word, and also we don’t like to build an intimate communication with Him?

Believe that Jesus, the begotten Son of the Father, was sent to this world to redeem the sinners, and that they believe in His Name (John 3:17-18)
After His resurrection from the death, Jesus was made both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36). We know that the Lord »»» God; Christ (the Anointed) »»» King
Indeed, in eternity, Jesus (the Word) is the eternal God and King.

Pay attention, the purpose of the first coming of Jesus to this world was to die to save the sinners. After His resurrection from the death, He became the LORD (of lords) and King (of kings) and one time, He will come again to take His church as His Bride.

Love the Light that has come to this world (John 3:19)
Illustration: the light of the small candle is still able to help us while walking in the darkness. The reality, instead of light, men love the darkness because their deeds are evil. They will be afraid that their wicked deeds be known/unveiled if the Word of God enlightens them (vv. 20-21). It is clear crystal that the light of the Word of God makes us free from the eternal punishment.

We have been disciplined by the righteousness of the Word of God that shines on our sins. So, as long as we live in this world, let’s leave our old habits which are contrary with His will, and then experience the new birth and live under the Kingdom of Heaven’s atmosphere. We search those who still live in the darkness of sins, bring them to Jesus to attain the salvation and eternal life as we have had, and until one day, we are united with Him in His Kingdom forever and ever. Amen.


Video selengkapnya dapat disimak di Ibadah Umum - "Syarat Masuk Dalam Kerajaan Allah" - Pdt. Paulus Budiono.